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It's was a cozy night for the Pinks inside their apartment. Time to relax from a tight individual schedule today. Photo shoots, recording and other stuff. Chaeyoung just finished shooting on her up coming solo, Jisoo is still busy for her k-drama, Lisa is starting to film for youth with you and Jennie is now a youtuber with over 5 million subscribers, and she's filming for her second video.

"Aish, I'm hungry! Chaeyoung-ah? Please can you make some food?" Lisa pleading to the woman next to her. The two of them were watching Disney movie again. It's their favorite and don't mind how many times they watch a certain Disney movie. You can't blame them.

"Go make yourself food Lisa, I'm too lazy today to move." Chaeyoung told her and the maknae pout marching to the kitchen.

"Aish! She knew I can cook all by myself. Well, I can cook ramyeon, but I want those granola she made the other day."

Lisa reached to the kitchen and surprised on what she just saw.

Jisoo is sitting in the dining table that looks like she's drunk. The maknae approach her to check if she's okay.

"Unnie, are you okay? Wait, what's that smell?"

Her unnie looked at her and smile like an idiot. She's really drunk.

"Lisa! I love soju! Kekeke!" Jisoo grab her collar and repeat what she just said.

"What?! You love Soojoo! Unnie, Jennie unnie will kill you!"

"But I love soju!"

"Yah! Unnie, what about Jennie unnie? You said you will love her until tomorrow ends and what is going on now? You will hurt Jennie unnie!"

The maknae sternly said anger and betrayal were in her eyes. She can't let her unnies fall apart, she will be sad. She's their son and she can't afford to have a divorce parents. No!

"Lisa, I love soju. Soju, soju, soju!"

The latter was about to say something when Jennie came in the kitchen and saw LiSoo in their dining table.

"What are you two-- wait, Jisoo are drunk?"

Jisoo smiled at her, she seems happy upon seeing her love.

"Jendeuk, I love soj--" Lisa immediately cover her mouth.

"Yah! Lisa what are you doing? Let her go." Jennie looked at them weirdly.

"No! She don't know what she's saying."

"Yah! She can't breathe!"

Lisa removed her hand, and Jennie went to Jisoo rubbing her back.

"Jichu why are you drunk? Is there any problem?"

"Unnie, don't listen to her." Lisa is now worried.

"What going on here?" Chaeyoung butt in. "Is Jisoo unnie okay?"

"She's drunk Rosie. Can you bring Lisa to the living room? I will talk to Jisoo."

Chaeyoung did what was told but Lisa is stubborn.

"No. Chaeyoung-ah we can't leave Jennie unnie alone. She's might not take it."

"Take it what?"

Lisa was about to say something when Jisoo spoke.

"Jendeuk, where's s-soju?"

The maknae sighed deeply and facepalmed.

"See? That's what--"

"Oh, you're looking for this?" Jennie raised the plastic bag she's holding that contain a bottle of soju.

Jisoo's face lit up and hugged Jennie tight. The latter hugged back and smile.

"Aah~ so sweet." Chaeyoung said admiring her unnies while Lisa's eyes widened.

"Wha-- she meant that soju? I thought-" She was cutt off by Jennie.

"Jichu, demanding of soju after she knew I will be endorsing it. She like drinking it everyday just to support me, but this bottle is the last one for her, I let her drunk everyday."

Lisa wanted to smack herself because of embarrassment.

The next day.....

Lisa was eating in the kitchen alone, she suddenly felt thirsty so she went to the fridge for some beverage.

"Oh my gosh! Aish! Unnieeeeeee! WHY OUR FRIDGE IS FULL OF SOJU?!"

A/N: Jennie Kim for Soju. 😂

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