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The day end for the blackpink, they felt exhausted but happy that they were doing this for their beloved blinks. BLACKPINK love BLINKS so much, and vice versa.

Time to sleep and they're all done with their night routine.

Jisoo came out from the bathroom, and saw someone lying in her bed. She sighed knowing that someone is her Jendeukie and jumped in her bed. She noticed that Jennie is quite, which is unusual.

"Jendeuk? Are you okay?"

"Chu." Jennie looked at her with a sad face.

Then Jisoo know what is wrong. She engulf Jennie with her arms to comfort her. The latter just buried her face in Jisoo's neck.

"Jen, just don't mind them. They're toxic." She rubbed Jennie's back.

"I know, I'm just worried about the blinks."

"Hey, don't be worried. Blinks love us and you know that they are the best fans ever." Jennie chuckles and agreed what Jisoo said.

They just stayed in that position, feeling each others arm that makes them relax in their stressful schedule.

After a minute...

"Jendeuk, I have to confess something to you."

"What is it?" Still hugging Jisoo.

"I logged in ch+ earlier to communicate with the blinks. And they asked many questions.."


"And a blink let me choose on Jendeukie's cooking or MR. Baek's cooking." Jisoo nervously replied.

"And you chose me of course." Jennie confidently said.

"Ah.m.. No."

Jennie pulled the hug and glared at the raven.


"I.. I chose Mr. Baek. You know he--"

"But I'm your Jendeuk Ramsey."

"Yes, b-but I--"

"I will not cook kimchi fried rice for you anymore." Jennie coldly said.

"W-what? I thought you will understand?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Please Jendeuk, I will choose you next time. Just cook for me, you know I always love your cooking." Jisoo cooed the sulking Mandu.

"Let's just sleep." Jennie responded and tucked herself in the bed beside Jisoo. The latter just face palmed in Jennie's act and laid in the bed properly letting herself drag into sleep.

Next morning, Jisoo woke up without Jennie in her side. She reach her phone and saw it's 7 in the morning. She slowly got up from the bed and proceed to the bathroom.

She went downstairs and noticed that Chaelisa are still sleeping since it's very peaceful in the living room. She went to the kitchen because she smelled something that's good and it made her hungry. And there she saw Jennie busy cooking. Jisoo immediately went near to Jennie and back hugging the latter which made Jennie flinched a bit.

"You're cooking kimchi fried rice for me." Jisoo said with cuteness.

"Who said it's for you?" And that made Jisoo pout and let go from the hug.

"Please, Jendeuk. Sorry about not choosing you."😩

"You should always choose me."

"I will. Now forgive me. Please." Jisoo is using her irresistible smile to Jennie and beautiful face, she knows how whipped Jennie for her.

And being whipped, Jennie smile too giving Jisoo a gummy smile.

"Ok, you're forgiven."

"Thank you Jendeuk." Jisoo grin happily and pinched Jennie's cheeks.

"Ouch!" Jennie pout.

"Oh, sorry. You're just to cute Mandeukie." They both chuckles.

"What a sweet morning." The two turned their heads to the person who  interrupted their moment.

"Go back to sleep Limario!"

A/N: hi, social media are so full of toxic people. But just ignore them. Always think on the bright side. Choose love not hate. Muah muah.😘

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