A Shooting Star

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Y/n's POV

After a few days meeting the 2 skeletons, Bill and Alastor, you thought they weren't that bad. You finally got used to them as your training intensifies. They too, seemed to like your presence. More than like! They always sticked to your side at all times as they actually flirted with you. You like them, they're a silly pair of skeletons that is alike. You're used to them and every one of their habits. They're actually pretty similar to the baddies. "Y/n~ Come on, you dont want me to carry you to the portal right?~" Bill called. You sighed. "Coming!" You replied. There is one thing you're not used too.


You're moving for no reason at all. And when you ask Bill and Alastor they shrugged it off, saying 'Its better this way.' or sighing and said, 'I wont wonder why they are that desperate for you. Coz you know, curiosity kills the cat.'

Yes, you're confused. Who is desperate for you and why is it better this way? Well, one things for sure, you even made a checklist so you dont forget one of your things. Coz last time your panties went missing. And you swear that if the baddies were the ones around, you'd beat them up until they tell you where your panties are. Why? Because they're perverts. Its obvious, really. And you were glad that these 2 weren't perverts, (are you sure about that?) or else you wont be able to do anything about it. I mean Bill? Not entirely sure he's a pervert but, he usually flirts with you with his trademark left closed eye socket and a sly smile, which you knew was a perfect move coz, you know, he'll win tons of the girls' heart back at your universe in school. Even though he's a skeleton he looks hot. Which you think you need more of those handsome humans you call the devil in disguise or human masterpiece. You were sure Alastor is asexual. Not entirely sure what that means since you dont go searching about that when you go online..
Which is a very good thing.

As you packed up quickly, rechecked everything, minus the panties. You hurriedly went to the 2 skeletons waiting for you. And entered the portal with them as Bill held your right hand and Alastor your left hand. Man, this reminds you a lot about your 'masters'. Strangely, whenever you sleep and entered your dream, you always heard a small thuds of banging. Like the banging on a glass, but its muffled. Really muffled. You tried checking everything but nothing is unusual. You even heard whispers of your name. Like, its trying to reach you but blocked away. Leaving nothing but whispers. Sometimes you even heard questions, like; 'where are you?', 'are you alright?'. You dont know about the others, other than that. Its the only ones you can translate for some reasons. Maybe that guy is in a middle of a phone call? (Nightmare : I cant reach her. Cross : I thought you said you could! Horror : Heh, she probably thinks you're just some dude calling on the phone. Everyone glares at Horror* Horror : What? Cross : He's actually half right though! It sounds like a guy tryna contact his wife abroad.. Error : HeH, nIgHtmARe iS tHaT kInD oF guY? Nightmare : Shut up.)

Well whatever it is, you dont know what to think of. You arrived in another place filled with stars. It reminds you of the peaceful stargazing you had with Error at Outertale. But, its very different.

Its very cold out here.

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