The Chocolate Duo

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Y/n's POV

You woke up and you didnt meet Nightmare in your dream, which is a relief because it'll be VERY awkward. Which you still cant believe that you kissed him on the cheek bones. Man, you're getting bolder everyday. You're showing your true colors. And you will sooner or later whether you like it or not. Which is a sad revelation. You soon decided to make waffles and faced Nightmare in the kitchen, he seemed to be nervous about something. 'Shit.' You thought as you felt your cheeks warm up. "..Morning, sunshine." Nightmare greeted. You were a bit startled and immediately bowed, "U-Uh! G-Good morning, Night!" You greeted back. You looked back to see Nightmare blushing a cyan glow, which made you wonder what you said wrong. You repeated what you said mentally and felt your face go red as a tomato. You realized you called Nightmare in a nickname you usually used when you felt like you wanted to but, decided you shouldn't. Apparently your brain wants to make you drown in embarrassment to call your freaking owner a nickname you kept to yourself this whole time. "I-Im sorry-" "Its okay. You can call me that." Nightmare interrupted you as he awkwardly scratches his skull with his phalanges, looking away. "O-Oh.. Of course, Night." You replied, you were really someone unusually fast to new things. And you kind of hated it. It just makes things more awkward for you. Nightmare clears his 'throat' and sighed, "We're going to be busy for the rest 1 week, and only one of us will stay here and guard you. So.. dont let your guard down on those filthy perverts." Nightmare said as he lowered his tone and smiled softly at your giggles, "Of course, Night." You answered, man. 1 week is a LONG time. "When will you all come back?" You asked, "Eh, after 1 week. I'll teleport the one who's supposed to take care of you and if your present guard doesnt go back, I'll personally take care of them.. But, if I dont send any guards back, just let it stay that way." Nightmare explained, you nodded along. "..Dont forget about me. I wont be visiting your dream for a while, but if I can, I will." Nightmare muttered as he blushed a soft cyan. You smiled softly and hugged him. This time, he hugs you back. "Stay safe and come back soon, okay?" You said as you pulled back- tried. At least. "Mhm." Nightmare hummed as he pulled you in. "..Nighty?" You called, "Just.. let me enjoy this for a while.." He said. You felt your cheeks warm up, man. Why does he have to do this to you?! I mean, you've got a tiny crush on him, yeah sure. But, THIS IS TOO MUCH!! Soon, he lets you go. Looked you in the eye, and let out a small 'wow'. "How are your (e/c) eyes so.. so.. insrutable, dreamy and serene, yet fierce. You're truly a fascinating human." He said as he put some strands of your hair away from your face, putting them behind your ear. "I'll miss you." Nightmare said. "I'll miss you too, Nighty." You replied as you tilt your head to the left to let Nightmare touch and cup your cheeks with his right hand. Nightmare blushed and nodded, he then took a beautiful necklace, its a beautiful purple and cyan shade with a (e/c) diamond in the middle, It has a crescent moon shape on the left and small stars on the top right. He gestured for you to turn around and you did, pulling you hair up and letting Nightmare smoothly and softly put the necklace on for you. You looked at the necklace then to Nightmare, who is blushing very hard. "Thank you, Night." You said as Nightmare nodded, you then teleported you to the throne room where surprisingly, everyone is there and on stand by. They all have pouts on their face, except Black. "Good bye, angel... I'll see you again next week.." Killer said, hugging you. Then was pulled away by Horror, "Make me more cookies, will ye?" He said as he hugged you, you nodded. Soon, they all joined in the hug, except for Error, Nightmare and Blackberry. "Awh, c'mon boss! Error, Black! Its the last day we can see her!!" Killer gestured for them to come and join the bone crushing group hug. "Heh, not me. Besides, I can enter her dreams and.. I had my hug.." Nightmare muttered those last words softly as he blushed a very soft cyan. Error then scowled at Nightmare, "nAh, cAnT tOuCh rEmEmBeR?" Error said as he shrugged. "Ye, ye. Your fucking haphephobia. S'not like I wanna let more skeletons hug her anyways." Horror said as he rolled his eyes. Error growled, "Cmon, Black! Give us some torturing bear hug!" Killer said, at the mention of torturing he perked up, but hesitates. "HUGS ARE FOR WEAKLINGS." Blackberry said. "You're saying you can beat Cross up?" Asked Dust, as Cross looked at Blackberry, accepting the challenge. Somehow, Blackberry gulped. "..FINE." He said as he walked into the center and joined in the hug. Stars, you cant breathe. Soon, they all let go. "I'll see ye tomorrow angel~" Dust said as he winked. Soon, everyone teleported away except for Cross and Error. "..wHaTs tHaT?" Error asked as he pointed his pointer phalanges at your collar bone, where the beautiful necklace you got from Nightmare rested. "A necklace." You answered simply. "Oh? Who gave you that?" Asked Cross. "Nightmare." You said, Cross frowned as Error's eye sockets twitched at the mention of his boss. "Oh.." Cross mumbled. "mAkE mOrE cHocOlATe cHiP cOoKiEs." Error said, you nodded and smiled which seems to calm his nerves down. He sighed, "SeE yOu, pUpPeT." Error said as he opened up a portal, and disappeared. "Well, what now?" Asked Cross. You turned towards him, "Usual morning routine, and prepare lunch." You answered, "Can you make it an all chocolate food?" Asked Cross, you tilt your head in confusion, chocolates are for snacks and desert. "Wanna make this day a chocolate date?" Asked Cross as he winked. You smiled and nodded, searching the internet with Cross for lots of chocolate delicacies.

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