Switching Sides

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Y/n's POV

Yep, here you are.

sitting cross-legged on the carpet. In the so called 'Star Sanses' base where apparently they tried to 'save' you.

Uh, efforts appreciated but, they're not the bad guys anymore.

So, how the heck did you get yourself in this mess?

Blue was cooking tacos while Ink introduced you to Stretch and G. Sans checking everything on you and Dream is showing you your room.

Yes, you won't be going to your universe anytime soon, because this place is safer for you.

Although for you, its just a colorful prison.

Now you regretted hating moving around.

Long story short, you are in quarantine where one of the Sanses will stay here and guard you. Just in case you.. make a problem. Or you need assistance. You'll have to admit, that this group is a group of cuties.

What? Dream is cutely positive. Blue is loud and cute. Ink is handsomely cute. Sans is not bad at all. He's actually pretty handsome. Stretch too, is actually attractive. While G...

He's a hot dynamite.

He's crazy attractive and he is your typical bad boy. Though he smokes, guess you can handle that.

Now you weren't sure if the bad Sanses is the only hot group. How are skeletons so fudging handsome and cute!?? This is illegal!!
You seriously need a human devil or angel right now. These  Skeletons are making the human superstars wear those flashy clothes ugly in comparison. This truly isn't fair.
As you were contemplating you life choices, the smell of smoke came. At first you thought it was G's smoke when it eventually triggered the fire alarms.
Stretch immediately went to the kitchen, taking back a wet Blue. "Uhh, you okay?" You asked. Blue nodded, "YEAH! IM ALRIGHT! JUST WET, THATS ALL." He responded. "Heh there's always more to the story." G started. "Like how you are so pretty that you take my soul away~" G flirted as he leaned closer on you. "Uh, thanks." You casually replied. You're too used to those kind of flirts. If anything, and you want to flirt her successfully, you should find a flirt expert. (On it!) G seemed amused that you were unaffected by his flirt. While Stretch seemed pretty impressed. That's when your Sans or- what you now call him, Classic came in. "Heyya, kid. Uh, just checkin' out since the fire alarms are on, again." He said as he chuckled. You raised an eyebrow as he sat beside you, taking out a bottle of ketchup. "I still dont get how skeletons drink. And not ordinary drinks. Ketchup and mustard." You muttered aloud. Classic chuckled, "Heh, welcome to the multiverse where monsters are different and various." He said as he winked. You rolled your eyes sarcastically while smiling. And then, Dream came in. "Hey there! Uh, just wondering, is it really true that Nightmare made you their maid?" He asked. Everyone then turned to look at you including Ink that's peeking at the wall, only letting his skull on sight. You frowned, "Uhh, yeah. They made me cook and clean and wake them up at mornings. Its pretty easy to get used too.. surprisingly." You added as you shrugged. Classic's grin strained as his pinpricks disappeared. While Blue's eye sockets were opened wide as his pinpricks were replaced with stars. "YOU CAN COOK!??" He asked, clasping his gloved hand. You nod slowly, "Yeah, and they said its pretty good." You said. Well, thats putting it mildly. They said it was amazing, crazy good. You just know that these guys wont believe a thing you said. "Heh, it seems you're giving us some lies. Give yourself some credit and tell us what they were really saying about your food." Stretch said as he chuckled, his eye sockets not matching his chuckle. "Ehh, you might not believe it though." You said as you shrugged. This time, Red chuckled. "Worried so much, sweetheart? Dream's a lie detector. He can sense your feelings and determine whether or not you're lying." Red said. A lie detector you said? Seems familiar to you as you looked Dream in the eye.

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