The 'Hotel'

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Y/n's POV

You woke up in your room.

In your pajamas.

Yes, you're in huge terror.


Did Bill did it? 'That son of a b*tch!!' You thought angrily as you stomped through the corridor. Where are you heading? Why, Bill's room of course! And even though you know he's overpowered, you were gonna find a way or another to wreck his room inside out! Its time for payback! As you slammed open the door, Bill and Alastor is sitting on their seats, drinking tea. They seemed to be relaxed. Okay, maybe it isn't Bill because he seemed confused on why you slammed the door open. "Okay, who changed my clothes yesterday?" You demanded as you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow as you stood on the entrance. "Oh, that. Alastor did. Relax, its his ability. He didnt see... anything." Bill explained as he grinned. A hint of yellow hue on his skull. 'That rascal..! What is he thinking!??' You thought angrily. You scowled but nodded. "Okay..." You said. Soon enough your attention came to the shattered door. You used too much strength! You sighed and waved your hands around. And soon, the door came back to its normal state.


Thats your second time manipulation ability other than pause and resume. Yes, Its very useful. Because if you suddenly destroyed your phone because of a sudden wave of rage caused by the 2 skeletons, you can just rewind it without wasting money to buy another phone. Yes, it happened. Apparently its right after you trained.


You were playing with your phone, scrolling through the comic you're reading as Bill came in, "Heyya sweety~ What are you doing?" He asked you as he leaned on the wall beside you. "Reading." You answered. "Uhuh~ What are you reading?" He asked again. "Comic." You answered again. This is the fun part! The main character is battling against his teammate for a duel on who to be the captain of the raiding team! But then-! 

Bill started poking your cheek. 

Then squishing it.

Then he pinched it.

And for a skeleton's phalanges, its pretty hard. It really hurts your face. 

"Stawwphh!!" You said as you frowned. He was ruining the best parts of the comic! "Hm?~" He asked, grinning. Apparently he stopped and you can read in peace again. 

But then-

He did something even bolder.

He started poking your breasts!!

"Woah~ Its squishy~" He mused. You looked at him like he's an alien who doesn't know manners. Well, what can you say? He's overpowered and he likes to do anything he wants. You vented your rage and strength to whatever you are gripping. Then, you smacked him on the skull. "Ouch!!" He said as he rubbed his skull. "What was that for!?" He asked as he scowled. "That, was for touching what you shouldn't have touched, baka." You answered as you death glared him. "What- Oh~ You mean that squishy thi-" "Dont. Even. Think about it." You warned as you left the room. You clicked your tongue in annoyance, losing your interest in the comic. You decided to enter the lift and so, you went to the top of the hotel, the balcony for some fresh air. There is also pools up there too! As the lift door opened, You realized that your hand was hurting. You looked to your right hand where it hurts and your eyes almost popped out of its place. Okay- not literally, but still!! You destroyed your entertainment!!! ALL OF THE COMICS YOU'VE BEEN READING- THE GAMES!! YOU LOST ALL PROGRESS!!! You felt like you should drop on your knees and cry out loud. But, there were lots of people around and they might think you're crazy and that they should just send you to the asylum for treatment or something. As if that would help anyone. So, at the end, you just sat on the beach chairs and enjoyed the fresh air. 'Man, I wish I can turn back time~' You thought. Wait... time? Thats easy, right? You opened your eyes and immediately looked at the crushed phone. "Okay... now.. whats the spell?" You whispered under your breath. "Retry? No.. Reset? Nonono. That works differently. Uhh..." You mumbled as you concentrated. But then, in the midst of your battle for spells, a single word came into your mind. "Undo..?" You mumbled. And at that time, you opened your eyes to see that the phone is slowly getting back to its original shape, back to the comic where you just read and left. You gasped, its a miracle!!! You jumped up immediately and fist bumped into the air and said, "Hurray!!! I did it! I did it!!" With a weird melody. Apparently, Alastor and Bill was there too. "Heh, I didn't know you actually did it." Alastor said. "Of course I did! Besides, she needs a push to go further. Seeing by who she's like, she does things together instead of alone. Even though she can, she does better with others." Bill replied. They grinned at your ridiculous behavior. "She's like a kid who just won a lottery." Bill said sarcastically as he snorted. "Hah! Thats easy to say, at least she knows that time manipulation is a very valuable power. Its like winning a lottery for sure." Alastor said. 

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