The Bad Sanses

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Author's POV ( A/N : underlined)

Y/N L/N, A little glitch that appears once a lifetime with a rare SOUL trait. Saved the underground with Frisk & managed to make Frisk promise not to RESET. She has (h/l), (h/c) silky hair, glowing (e/c) that can melt into your heart. Yes, people say she's going to be quiet the heart breaker when she grows up. And now, she lives with Toriel & Asgore along with Frisk. Sans & Papyrus would usually visit the house. At first, Sans didn't trust you but then grew accustomed to your presence, finally accepting you, seeing you're not a threat. But thought you were weird & brave for no reason. Sans is still suspicious of you, but lately he is being clingy with you for no reason. Which weirded you out.

Y/n's POV

As you woke up to the sound of your alarm buzzing, someone opened your bedroom door. "Wakey, wakey~ U dont wanna miss the pancakes dont cha?" A voice said. "Leave me alone.....Just 5 more minutes..." you mumbled, covering yourself up again with the blankets. "Fine, u dont want pancakes? More for me then.. Along with hot chocolates prepared by mom, specially." The voice said, leaving. 

Wait... Pancakes..? And.. Hot chocolates!? 

you immediately woke up & noticed the voice was Frisk who was smirking at your bedroom door, along with a loud thump, revealing.. Papyrus! "NYEH!! HUMAN!! WHY AREN'T YOU UP YET??? YOU'RE GOING TO MISS BREAKFAST!" Papyrus shouted as he opened your safe fortress of blankets & picked you out of your bed, your hair still messy & a tiny drool peeking at your mouth. You yawned cutely & saw Sans looking at you as a blue hue rushed to his skull. 'Is he mad?' you asked to yourself. Apparently, it convinces you even more upon seeing Papyrus having the same nice orange hue on his skull. "H-HUMAN!!! GO TO SHOWER & BRUSH YOUR TEETH & CHANGE INTO YOUR PROPER CLOTHES, FOR TODAY!" Papyrus started as he puts his hands at his hips, his scarf flapping a bit like a heroic scene, "WE WILL GO OUT TO THE PARK FOR A MORNING STROLL!!" Papyrus finished. "NYEHEHEHEH! HURRY UP HUMAN! WE SHALL WAIT FOR YOU DOWNSTAIRS!" Papyrus said as he dragged Frisk & Sans downstairs with him. You smiled & did your morning routine. Brush your teeth, shower with your (f/s) shampoo & soap. Soon you finished your shower & picked your clothes, A nice (f/c) sleeveless turtleneck, (s/f/c) trousers with suspender straps. You took a (f/c) sleeveless hoodie zip up jacket. (lmao its very long) 

You took your black socks with cat ears, with your (s/f/c) shoes. You dried your hair & brushed it properly. You took your small (f/c) leather purse & putted your hand phone & money inside it, Not forgetting the final touch, of Papyrus's (f/c) handmade scarf, you soon went downstairs to be greeted with Toriel washing the dishes, and Asgore reading the newspaper while drinking tea, Papyrus, Sans, Frisk talking to each other outside. 'Well, today is rather lively than usual.' You thought as you smiled. Toriel saw you and greeted you, "Good morning, my child." Toriel said as she smiled so very sweetly that you feel your cheeks warm up a bit, not used to the warm feeling of home you became flustered. "Y-Yeah! G-Good morning!" You stuttered as Toriel giggled upon seeing your behavior. With that, Asgore noticed you. "Good morning, little one. Come & have some pie along with your favorite hot chocolate." Asgore greeted. You smiled, "Good morning dad." You greeted. You dived into your breakfast & drank your hot chocolate slowly, wanting to savour each mouthful of the sweet taste of chocolate. Toriel soon came to your side, patting your head slowly. Appreciating the gesture, you unconsciously purred. Asgore & Toriel looked at you, shocked. While you kept purring. Soon Sans, Papyrus & Frisk noticed your purring. That's right, you love pats on your head. Hugs usually calms you down too. Soon you noticed the whole room was quiet, and realized you were purring! Oh, what a shame! You caught Sans & Frisk filming the whole thing, you soon turned as red as a tomato & buried your face in you hands. While everyone else howled in laughter. "We have to show this to Undyne & Alphys! They'll be ecstatic!" Frisk enthusiastically told Sans. 'NOOOO!!!' Your mind screamed in embarrassment. "Now, now. Since Papyrus said you will go on a morning stroll in the park, how about you finish your hot chocolate & go along. They've been waiting for quiet of a long time now." Toriel said. Papyrus beamed while Frisk & Sans smiled. You nodded & finished your hot chocolate. "Becareful, my child. Papyrus, Sans. Stay safe." Toriel said. "Stay safe little one!" Asgore said while he patted your head. You're not that short. You're 5.0 (If you're taller then.. too bad ;d sorry~)

The One Thing That They Care About (Sans AU x Reader x Papyrus AU)Where stories live. Discover now