A Nice Dream

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Y/n's POV

As you cooked the fried rice, Horror entered the kitchen. "Smells good, what'cha cookin'?" He asked. "Fried rice." You answered sternly. Horror chuckled, "Where's the 'master'?~" He teased. You took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, m-master Horror." You said hesitantly, you felt like digging a hole & hide in it forever. Horror chuckled, delighted by your response, a red hue spreading at his cheek bones. "So, fried rice huh? Y'better make it taste good, pet." Horror said as he went to the fridge, opening it. Soon, Killer & Dust entered, "One things for sure, its better than Killer's cooking." Dust said as he chuckled, while Killer glared at him. Killer then approached you & touched your left shoulder with his phalanges, brushing your skin & poking it. "Ooh~ Its very smooth~" Killer mused. Dust peeked behind Killer's shoulder & poking your skin as well, joining Killer, musing on how nice it felt. "Thank you for the compliment, Master Killer & Master Dust." You forced yourself to say as you drove your focus back to the fried rice. Without you noticing, Killer had a cherry red hue on his skull. Dust looked at Killer, confused. Even though his own skull had a little purple hue. Soon, your fried rice is done. You served them to the plates & carried them to the dining hall, your masters following you behind. Soon, you arrived at the dining hall, seeing Cross saying senpai to Nightmare as Nightmare glared at him & told him to shut up, Error playing with his strings on his chair. Raspberry was talking to Error, arguing. You entered the dining hall & placed the plates on the table, soon, everyone sniffed & looked at you with the train of skeletons behind your back. You took some forks & spoon along with glasses & filled them with water. You faced them all, ready on their positions. "...Masters, dinner is ready." You said neutrally. They all started diving in, in a few blinks they already took more fried rice at the middle of the table. "Woah, these are really good (Y/n)." Complimented Cross. "Thank you, master Cross." You said as you smiled. Cross looked away at that. "Nice job angel." Killer said. "NoT bAd." Error said as he added more fried rice to his plate. "Nice job." Dust said while chomping his food. "..I SHALL TEACH YOU MORE ART OF COOKING SO YOU WOULD COOK EVEN MORE DELICIOUS THAN THESE SIGNIFICANT FOODS, HUMAN." Raspberry said. "Nish job dofash" Horror said through chomping his food, like a vacuum. Which you assumed he said 'Nice job doll face.' "You made a nice food." Nightmare finally said. You nodded, frowning, "Thank you.. masters and.. your highness." You said as you left. Not caring at all. Soon, Royce told you that you should clean the masters bedroom, dining hall, kitchen and living room. Wake them all up, except Error & Nightmare at 7 sharp. Prepare breakfast for them in their rooms, then clean the halls and the throne room. "But, dont touch Nightmares throne." He warned. You nodded, taking notes. Soon, you came to the first room you see, carrying mops, sponges & other stuffs you need to clean. You came in and.. saw a HUGE mess. You sighed, 'This going to be a VERY long day.' You thought. The room had the color lavender and grey as the secondary color. You cleaned the bed, mopped & swept the floors. Apparently they each have their own bathrooms. Soon you left & went to the room next to it. You entered and it was.. neat. Very surprising. But, you took back what you just said, laying your eyes on the walls & table, filled with torture tools. You stared at it as if its going to fly at your direction & torture you. You decided to ignore it & cleaned the room & bathroom. Next room, it has an iron smell. Very messy, and has blood almost everywhere. Its also very dark in there. You cleaned the bed, floor, along with some other stuffs, putting it back to its right position. You entered the bathroom & it smells rotten. Its coming from the bath tub. Which you prayed will not have a corpse in it, opening it... a dirty bath tub. You sighed & scrubbed it clean, making its smell (f/s). You nodded proudly & left the room. Next, it is a normal messy room.

With knives almost everywhere, hidden in every nook & space. You decided to leave the knives be & clean the room like the others. Next room, is monochrome, black & white. With the smell of chocolate. You on accident, found a hidden chocolate stash. A few knives were here & there but that's all. You finished cleaning & re-checked whether or not they're all cleaned. Next, you decided to clean the kitchen, wiping down the dirty walls & mopping the dirty filled with crumbs floor. You soon checked the fridge & putted them to a more proper position. Checked the supplies & noted to buy some other ingredients you needed for dinner. You went to the dining hall to clean the mess, make the seats proper & took all the dirty plates, spoon, fork & glass. Made your way back to the kitchen, washing the dishes & drying them. You soon made your way to the living room, which Killer, Dust, Horror & Error is lounging at. You thought thrice whether or not you should clean the room when Killer noticed you & grinned. "Hey angel, wanna play?" Killer asked you. You shook your head, "I have work to do, master Killer." You said as you decided to clean later. "I dont take no as an answer, angel." Killer said as he marked your soul blue, dragging you to his lap. "There you are, angel!" He cooed as he scratched your cheeks like you're a cat. You frowned, "Master Killer, I have to-" "Hush, you can do that later. For now, you can play with me." He interrupted you as he putted one of his phalanges on your lips, shushing you. You sighed, "Of course master." You gave up. Killer smiled & offered you his play station. You took it, "What are we playing master?" You asked. "Racing cars." Answered Horror. "NFS Heat." Corrected Dust. "Ye, ye. Sure, whatever." Horror replied, rolling his eyes. You smiled, you didnt play it that much but was sure that you ace at it.

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