A 'Hot' Day

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(Ahem, excuse me guys! Im a bit confused on the swapfell's so I'll tell you which swapfell I'm using! Its the swapfell red. Coz Im a bit confused and decided to go with this! There were the purple one and red so I'll call the swapfell red papyrus. But as I searched all over again- its FellSwap. Its so confusing- So, I apologize for the inconvenience so, since the nickname of the swapfell red papyrus is BBQ i'll make it short and make it Barb! andd I may have been a bit confused because of some stories I read so I'll fix Blackberry to Raspberry. ;w;" )

Y/n's POV

As you woke up, you forgot who's turn it is to stay and watch. Sometimes you're just too relaxed And, if you're relaxed all of a sudden and think everything's gonna be okay, it usually ended up the opposite. You shook away the thought, hoping it wont happen again as you showered. Soon, you ate your strawberry candy again and went to the throne room, to meet- 


You felt your eyes widen, 'Fuck. Why did Nightmare do this to me!?' You thought. This is too much, even for Nightmare. Unless, he actually wanted you to suffer, well, you cant argue with that. You're not much of a masochist anyways. Right..? "HUMAN, IS THE BREAKFAST READY?" Rasp asked, staring at you with his cold, bold blue pin pricks of his. You nodded, "Yes, master-" "PREPARE ANOTHER ONE. MY LAZY BROTHER IS COMING." Blackberry interrupted you. You looked up, 'brother?' You thought. You nodded, "Of course, master. Shall I address your brother as..?" "NO NEED." He answered immediately. You nodded. "CALL HIM SIR." Raspberry instructed. You nodded. "OH, AND PREPARE YOURSELF A TRAINING SUIT." He said, you looked at his skull in confusion. "WE'RE TRAINING IN THE TRAINING ROOM, TODAY. AND YOU, WILL TRAIN WITH US." He said, grinning viciously. You immediately wanted to smirk a vicious smile, but you held it back. You nodded, still unsure of what you just heard and left to prepare another piece of cake and pudding. Prepare another piece of cake and pudding then prepare a training suit. Yes, training- TRAINING SUIT!? You realized all of a sudden and stopped abruptly. That's bad. Really bad. Your cover will be ruined. Well drat. Its either that or get shouted at or get your body with scars. Man, if he's THAT bad, how bad is his brother will be? You just prepared another slice of cake and added the pudding. Then, you immediately went to your room to find some proper training clothes. You eventually found one, a top crop jacket that didnt cover your lower stomach with long sleeves. Its light and comfortable. You then found its pair, a black light jeans. Then, you tried to find a pair of shoes. You found a black pair of shoes. Surprisingly they come out nice. A bit improper but its better than the bikini's. But, just incase, you putted a (f/c) sport bra. 

(Pic on top- lol- dont mind the person

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(Pic on top- lol- dont mind the person.)

Soon, you went back to the dining hall, to be met with an amazed Raspberry and a tall alternate Papyrus, a long, clean cut on his left eye, golden, sharp razor tooth on his left and right, wearing a leather jacket with fur on the hood, orange turtleneck sweater, red collar with golden spikes on it. He wore a grey belt and brown, long trousers with comfortable looking shoes. He's drinking a freaking barbeque sauce. Eh, what can you say? Your Sans drink ketchup. Dust drinks ketchup, Cross eats chocolate like its a drink and many more that you haven't even seen. Soon, they both noticed you and Raspberry grinned as a scarlet hue appeared on his cheekbones. On Papyrus' an orange hue. He scanned your entire body, and let out a mischievous smirk. "Master, I'm ready." You said as you bowed. You looked back, straightened your back and saw Papyrus or- Sir looking at you, eye sockets wide. He turned towards his brother, "M'lord, you never said you had a servant~" He said. Looking at you with lust in his eye sockets. You had the sudden urge to approach him and flirt. Nope, nope, nope. "SHUT UP, PET." Rasp replied harshly as Papyrus sighed and chuckled, "Well, the names BQQ, call me Barb." He said, winking lazily. Well, the name fits him. "Whats your name, human?" He asked, approaching you. "(Y/n), sir." You answered as he towered upon you. "Oh, please. Call me master." He said, licking his non-existent lips. "SHE WON'T. NOW, LETS TRAIN." Raspberry ordered and led us to the training room as BBQ sighed and followed. Soon, we reached the training room, there's a lot of things you can do- treadmill, lifting weights, there is even a huge field for running laps, arrows, swords, daggers, and so much more. Surely, your other side is fit for this. When you were little, your father would usually take you for a hunt in the forest, you both would train together. "FIRST! GO AND RUN 30 LAPS!" Raspberry ordered, and Barb sighed, "Do we have to do this, m'lord?" He asked, "OF COURSE YOU LAZY BONES! NOW GET YOUR NON-EXISTENT ASS IN THE FIELD BEFORE I KICK YOU THERE!!" Raspberry rushed. "What about the-" "SHE'LL DO IT TOO, SO HURRY UP, PET!" He interrupted again as he jogged his way to the field. "Well, y'think y'can handle it?" He asked at you. Yes, you. You nodded, its nothing compared to what your father wanted you to do. Though, it might be tough since its been so long since you ran that much laps. Soon you jogged your way to the field as he teleported there. He then jogged, keeping up with you. "Heh.. You're pretty tough for a... human.." He said in gasps for breath. Seems like he doesnt have that much stamina. "..You too." You replied. Even though its not half true. "Heh, thanks." He replied. At the 3rd lap, he collapsed. So much for being tough, huh? You frowned a bit, even though you were sweaty, you havent felt like collapsing. I mean, yeah sure, the field is HUGE. Its 15.2 meters times 9.1 meters. Its a normal size for a field though. "MUTT! HURRY UP AND CATCH UP TO THE HUMAN!!" Raspberry shouted, hands on hips, towering the tired and laid down, BBQ. "..Let me have a break.. m'lord.." He said lazily. "NO! YOU'RE MAKING ME ASHAMED!!" He shouted, displeased. As you finished your 4th lap, you approached them. "..Master, let him rest. I dont think he's used to it." You reasoned, Raspberry looked at you. "OH? WHY ARE YOU DEFENDING HIM NOW?" He asked, frowning. Looks like he's very displeased. You felt bad for Barb, since he's pretty much Raspberry's younger brother. "..Isnt he your brother? Im your maid, you can let me take his part and let him rest. He's the guest, isnt he?" You reasoned, you cant believe you're doing this. Raspberry stared at you in disbelief, while Barb opened his eye sockets, they're wide open and staring at you. "Hey, honey. You dont need to go that far.." He said as he frowned. But instead, Raspberry smiled viciously. "How about we have a competition, master? Just for fun. Who keeps running is the winner. The one who collapses first loses." You challenged. You smiled viciously at him, letting your other side do its job. He looked at you, fascinated. Then, grinned viciously back at you, "AGREED. AND IF I WIN.. YOU'LL BE SERVING ME FOR A WHOLE WEEK." He said, "Then, if I win.. I can go out once in a while. How's that?" You said, smiling. He nodded, knowing you wont win. 

The One Thing That They Care About (Sans AU x Reader x Papyrus AU)Where stories live. Discover now