Chapter 3: Killer Queen

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Afternoon practice was proceeding normally, when Daichi called Nakano over to the side of the gym.  She was running laps indoors, working on her stamina while still being available should Kiyoko need any assistance.  She jogged over to Daichi.  "What can I do for you, Cap?" she said breathlessly.

Daichi handed her a towel and a water bottle.  Nakano chuckled.  "That's my job, ya know."  Daichi smiled.  "Have a seat, Nakano.  I'd like to talk with you a little."

Her smiled faded and she took a long pull from the water bottle, draping the towel around her neck and sitting down as asked.  "Did I do something wrong, sir?"

Daichi waved his hands.  "No, no, of course not.  I just wanted to ask you about something, if that's okay."

"Of course.  Please, ask away."

" camp begins tomorrow..."

"I know!  I'm very excited!  And please don't worry - I've already talked to my doctors and I'll be sure to include enough exercises for myself to make up for the physical therapy sessions I'll be missing.  I should be able to complete my regimen during your practice times and still be available to help Kiyoko with anything she will need me to do.  If needed, I can always do my exercises after training is done for the day..."

Daichi laughed.  "Woah, there, slow down!  I'm sure you'll get plenty of exercise dealing with this lot...I'm not worried about that!  What I am worried about is making sure you'll be safe and comfortable during the camp...especially at night."

"What do you mean, Cap?"

Daichi rubbed the back of his neck, and colored just ever so slightly.  "Well...Kiyoko doesn't plan to stay overnight with us, so I was wondering if..."

Nakano looked at Daichi, her blue eyes sharp.  "Please don't make me go home too, Cap.  I want to be with the team.  I need to give it everything I've got and if I go home, I can't do that.  Please, Daichi-san...I would miss so much time if I had to go back and forth every day.  I'll do whatever needs to be done, but please, don't make me miss this!"

A chuckle sounded behind the captain.  "You've lost this one, Daichi.  She's going to be staying no matter what you say."  Suga put a hand on Daichi's shoulder and smiled.  "You might as well start working under that assumption.  I'm sure she'll be fine."

Daichi sighed.  "I just don't know how I feel about her sleeping in a room all by herself."  He looked at Nakano.  "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know you're strong but...well...I'm not sure I'd be comfortable sleeping in a room all by myself!  It can get a little creepy here at night!"  

Nakano smiled fondly at her captain.  "Is that what you're worried about?"  She laughed out loud.  "Cap, I'll be fine.  I'm not afraid of the dark..."

"Nor will she be alone!  Her Tanaka-senpai will be there to protect her!" Tanaka came up and put an arm around Nakano's shoulders.  "I will ensure that the lady is perfectly safe."

Daichi glared at him.  "And who will make sure she's perfectly safe from you?"  Tanaka made a face as if to say 'how could you think such a thing of me?'

Suga laughed.  "Daichi, why don't you just have Nakano sleep in the big room with all of us?  We'll be there to make sure none of the other boys try anything funny, and Nakano won't have to be alone.  She can change in the restrooms, and we can do the same when necessary.  Seriously, I think it'll be fine."  Suga looked at Nakano.  "If that's okay with you, Nakano?"

Nakano smiled.  "Yes, I'd be fine with that, as long as the team is okay with it.  I want everyone to be comfortable."

Tanaka yanked off his shirt and twirled it around.  "ALL RIGHT!!! SLEEPOVER WITH NAKANO!!!"

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now