Chapter 37: Relax

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After the insanity of Monday, things settled back into a more normal schoolyear routine for Tsukishima and Nakano.  Tsukishima ended up not bothering with makeup, and endured only minor teasing about his hickeys; in fact, after the drama of Kageyama's outbursts, the hickeys themselves were almost considered boring.  The few comments that were made Tsukishima was able to turn back on the loudmouths who made them (Tanaka and Nishinoya) by reminding them that at least he had a girlfriend to make out with.  

Kageyama and Tsukishima seemed to have worked out a mutual non-aggression pact, and everyone on the team took note.  No one would say they were buddies, but there certainly was none of the expected sniping following an accusation of the type Kageyama had made.  The setter even seemed to appreciate Tsukishima's ability to deflect his senpai's teasing, snorting loudly when Tsukishima teased them back about their lack of girlfriends.  Nakano had lunch with Kageyama on Wednesday, just the two of them, leaving Tsukki and Yamaguchi to enjoy a little best-friend time together themselves.  Tsukishima would certainly never have admitted it to anyone at all, least of all Yamaguchi, but he had actually missed having lunchtime talks with his best friend.  Especially when he wanted to talk to someone about Nakano.

Fridays were for spiking drills, and Nakano worked the boys hard as usual, even making Noya do a couple rounds of libero sets for everyone.  As Yamaguchi went up for his final hit, Nishinoya collapsed to the floor, gasping.

"Oh my gosh, she's an absolute sadist!  First she marks up Tsukishima, and now she's working us to death!  I think my lungs are gonna burst!"  Nishinoya cried out at the top of his seemingly perfectly fine lungs.  

"Take 15 guys!  Great drills today!" Nakano dismissed the boys while dropping a bottle of water on Nishinoya's chest.  "Here, senpai, maybe this will make you feel better," Nakano cooed.

Suga wandered up, sipping from his own bottle.  "She thinks she can make up for her evil treatment of us by giving us water?!  She doesn't even break a sweat, hardly doing any work at all.  Coach Legs is just so...eeeehhhhhh!!???"  Suga stumbled back as Nakano suddenly grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started wiping her face with it, exposing the boy's stomach and pushing her head into his chest.

Nakano pouted, pointing at Suga's now-wet tee shirt.  "I'm so sorry, Suga-san, I seem to have gotten your tee shirt wet...with my sweat."

Tsukishima moved up behind his vice-captain.  "Excuse me, Suga-senpai, but did I just hear that your tee shirt is now somehow wet with my girlfriend's sweat?"  He stood looming over Suga's shoulder, eyebrows cocked, looking somewhat irritated.

Kageyama walked over to stand next to Nakano, surveying the scene and shaking his head.  Suga reached out to him.  "Help me out here, Kageyama!" he called.

"Leave me out of this, senpai.  You set yourself up for this one." Kageyama replied with a snort.

"He's got you there, Suga!" Daichi called out from across the gym.

"I give up!" Suga cried, laughing and collapsing to sit on the floor of the gym.

Tsukishima gave Nakano a small grimace as he walked over to join her.  "Did you really have to wipe your face off on his shirt, though?" he whispered to the girl.  

She grinned.  "I must maintain dominance over my pack, right?" 

Tsukishima clicked his tongue at her.  "Are we crows or wolves?"

"Crows of course, but saying I have to maintain dominance over my murder just sounds wrong," she deadpanned.

"Geek," he said, immediately getting smacked for being pert.

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