Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees

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The doorbell at the Ogawa house sounded at precisely 10AM.

Well that's kinda crazy, Nakano thought.  I figured Tsukki would be early, and Tobio and Shoyo would be late.  I wonder who it is?  She smiled as she opened the door to find all three boys on her doorstep.  Yep, she thought, crazy.

"Hey guys!" she chuckled as she welcomed them in.  "Did you wait on the doorstep until precisely 10AM or what?"

Tsukki scoffed.  "I don't think Hinata would be able to stand still for something like that."

The boys changed into house slippers and quietly asked for pardon at the intrusion...except for Hinata who yelled it out at the top of his lungs.  Nakano's mother came in at the young man's cheerful voice.  

"Welcome, boys!  Tobio-chan, it's so good to see you again," Nakano's mom gave the raven-haired boy a hug as he blushed.  She turned her attention to the two newcomers, looking at her daughter expectantly.  

"Mom, these are two of my friends and volleyball teammates, Hinata Shoyo and Tsukishima Kei."  Nakano indicated her friends, and desperately hoped her mother wouldn't say or do anything else too embarrassing.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ogawa-san," both boys said, bowing.  

"It's so wonderful to have you all to visit!  I am so glad Naka-chan is making some new friends!  You boys are always welcome.  Now let me see..." she looked at the two boys carefully, then pointed at Hinata.  "You're Shoyo-chan, right?"  He nodded vigorously with a smile.  Nakano's mom turned to Tsukishima.  Nakano opened her mouth...

"...and that means you're Kei-chan!" her mother trilled.   Nakano facepalmed.  

"Yes, ma'am." Tsukishima replied politely, "Thank you very much for allowing us to hold our tutoring session here today." 

"It's absolutely my pleasure, Kei-chan.  I hope to get to meet the rest of the team sometime soon.  Why don't you all go ahead to Nakano's room and I'll bring you some drinks and snacks?"

"Thanks Mom!"  Nakano led the boys away as they echoed her thanks.  

"Sorry about her," Nakano said as the boys entered her room.  

"She seemed really nice!" Shoyo said.  Nakano looked at Tsukishima and rolled her eyes.  He chuckled back.

"UWAH!" cried Hinata, "Look at all the pandas!"

Tsukishima looked around Nakano's room.  If not for the giant wall of pandas, he thought, I could easily believe this room might belong to any of us.  He'd figured her room would be all full of pink and girly things.  Nakano's blue volleyball-filled room rather amazed him.  

"Alright boys, let's get down to business.  Tsukki, who do you want to work with first?"  Nakano asked.

Tsukishima looked over at the other two boys.  Hinata looked terrified, and Kageyama looked annoyed.  I think I'll start by irritating the King a little more, he thought.  "What do you need to work on most, Your Majesty?" he asked, smirking at Kageyama.

Nakano glared at him.  "Could we do without that for one day, please?"

"Probably not," Tsukishima replied.

Tobio gave her a 'him, really?' look.  He sighed.  "I'd say probably English, but also Japanese Vocabulary."

"Does that mean you're going to help me, Nakano?" Shoyo asked, "I need help in English too, but we should probably also work on History."

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