Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home

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Nakano and Tsukki had taken up position in what was pretty much becoming their standard space - the long bench at the back of the bus.  Tsukki claimed it was because he was tall, and the bench offered more options for him to stretch out his legs on these long bus rides.

Nakano knew better.  What made the bench so appealing is that he could stretch out, put his head in her lap, and she would play with his hair.  Tsukishima liked this so much, it was even worth taking the risk of having the team snapping pictures of them sleeping in some weird position again.  

And so, Nakano was settled comfortably with her boyfriend's head in her lap, her sensitive setter's fingers tangled in his delightfully soft blonde hair.  She smiled as he made quiet kitty-like murmuring sounds every time she played around with the golden strands.  Tsukishima was mostly asleep, and she was well on her way to being there herself.  But she had a few things running through her mind, keeping her from drifting off entirely.

Her thoughts slid back to making breakfast that morning with Kuroo.  With Tetsu-chan, she thought, a smile coming across her face.  She'd truly never believed the suave yet somehow dorky captain had actually had any interest in her at all.  I'd thought that was just how he was, that he'd say and do things like that to any girl he came across.  She'd been so surprised at his revelation, as well as worried that she'd truly hurt him, having not realized he was serious.  All in all, I'm glad it all happened the way it did.  Kuroo is special to me and to Tsukki, and based on the look on his face this morning after we talked, I think he needed to get those words out to kind of close the door on that little crush.  I hope he meets someone soon.  He deserves a wonderful person to share his life with.  Bokuto too.  I wonder if he and Mako are a thing?  

She thought about pulling out her phone to text the bedhead, but she felt a bit too comfortable and sleepy to bother with that now.  Time enough to ask Kuroo about it later.  She absentmindedly skritched Tsukki's scalp gently, and chuckled softly as a contended sigh came from the blonde boy as he repositioned himself a little, nuzzling into her lap a bit more and scrunching his body up.  He really was like a gigantic cat when he got like this.  Nakano found it positively adorable.

Speaking of adorable, Nakano looked across to the other side of the bench where Yams and Yachi had fallen asleep against one another, their hands intertwined between them.  She'd been very glad to see them sit together after the awkwardness of the first half of the day.  The two of them had been so ridiculously embarrassed, especially Yachi, whose inhibitions had all but disappeared under the influence of the tequila she'd had.  Nakano had wondered at the time what was going to happen between the two once Yachi had sobered up and realized what she'd done.  She replayed their conversation from that  morning in her mind.

Nakano had woken up to find Yachi sitting on her futon, her head in her hands.  "Ya-chan?  Are you okay?  Do you feel sick?"  Nakano didn't think Yachi had had enough to drink to suffer a hangover, but maybe the little blonde had a sensitive constitution?

Yachi had looked up at Nakano with a face that bespoke a terrible loss.  Like her best friend had just died.  "Oh, Naka-chan, what have I done?  I bet Yamaguchi won't ever speak to me again.  He probably thinks I'm...I'm...some kind of...pervert!"  Tears began to fall from her eyes and she buried her face again.

Nakano had to fight down her laughter, clambering over and putting an arm around the girl.  "A pervert?  Because you kissed him while you were tipsy?  He was tipsy as well, Yachi!  He might be a little embarrassed, but I don't think he's going to think you're some kind of sex-crazed maniac because of a couple of kisses!  Heck, it seems to me he enjoyed them."

"We'd...we'd held hands at the festival...and I thought we were getting along so well...and then I had to go and do that...oh, why did I ever accept that stupid drink from Kuroo!"  

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