Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me

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It's been a couple of days since I talked to Sugawara about how I was feeling.  I've decided I'm going to try to talk to Nakano today after practice.  It's Friday, so if we need lots of time to talk, or maybe if we decide that we want to date we can go out tonight?  I don't know.  I'm gonna talk to her, and I'm gonna do it today.

I guess Suga was right.  I can't do this without risking hurting her.  And maybe me.  I just got my best friend back, I'd really hate to lose her again.  But spending all my time wondering about the feeling I get every time I think about hugging her or whatever is driving me nuts.  It's starting to distract me during practice.  I think maybe Nakano is feeling something too.  I've noticed her looking at me during games, more than she did before.  We also do our best friend hug a lot more.  The four eyed jerkwad comments on it. Every. Single. Time.  Jackass.

Speaking of four eyes, I told him I'd be taking Nakano home after practice today.  He started in on his King and Queen shit again and I tuned him out and walked away.  I don't know how she manages to talk to him, but she does.  She just teased him right back about being jealous.  Looks like she got him pretty good too, he got all flustered.  Even Yamaguchi laughed at him.  He'd better not like her or something!  I'd have to kill him.  She's way too good for him.  Hell, she's way too good for me.  But, I've gotta know.  I've gotta know what these feelings mean.

I think...I might have to take some of Tanaka-san's advice too.  Well, it wasn't really advice.  He was just being an idiot.  But he might be right.  I always hear people talk about the whole fireworks-when-I-kissed-her thing.  Maybe, if I kiss Nakano, then I'll know.  If she'll let me.  I'm not gonna just grab her lips or something crazy.  That's the kind of shit he would pull, and I am not gonna do her like that.  

Okay, I'm kinda getting nervous.  But it's not even lunchtime yet.  I gotta make it through the whole day, and all of practice.  Somehow.

Classes were awful.  I couldn't focus on anything.  Now it's time to practice, I'm hoping that will go better.  Of course, Nakano will be there, but since I know I'm going to talk her afterwards, I'm hoping I can keep my mind clear.  

Okay, practice was good.  I feel good.  My stomach and head both feel really calm.  I think I'm ready for this.  Nakano has gone to change, I asked her to meet back here in the gym.  The only other person left around is Shittyshima, of course.  I refuse to let him piss me off.  

"Oi, Your Majesty!  Don't forget you're walking Nakano home."  He yells at me from the door.

"I'm the one who told you that, jerkwad.  I haven't forgotten.  Now go away."

"Oh, of course Your Majesty.  Far be it from me to interrupt your royal love affair."  I can hear Yamaguchi laughing as they walk away.  As long as they go, I don't care what they say.  But I swear, if Nakano and I do start dating, the first thing I'm going to do at the next practice is kiss her right in front of that jackass.  Maybe then he'll shut up.  Just to be sure, I wait a few moments, then check around outside the gym.  That bastard would be the type to hang around to find out what was going on.  But I don't see him or Yamaguchi anywhere.  Good.  I sit back down on the bench to wait for Nakano.

She comes in, moving kinda slowly.  I know the braces slow her down.  I stand up to go help her.

"Sit down, Tobio-chan.  I got this."

I can't help but smile a little.  She ought to have 'I got this' on a tee shirt.  I sit back down, and after a few moments she sits next to me.

"Okay, what's up?"

"Does something have to be up?  Maybe I just want to walk you home today."

She gives me a look that screams 'you are so full of it'.  I can feel a little heat rising in my cheeks.  "Okay, yeah, something's up."

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