Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That

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Ah, after a long weekend, there's nothing quite like coming home and lounging around in your underwear.

Actually, I can't lay around like this a whole lot longer.  Bokuto said he'd text me before coming over, but this is Bokuto we're talking about.  I mean, it's not like Boku-bro hasn't seen me in boxers before, hell, he's seen me butt naked, but I'd rather not start the visit off at that level, ya know?  I give it about a 50-50 shot that he'll remember to text, especially given that he was talking to Mako right before his team headed back to Fukurodani for their wrap up.  I'll know what happened based on what he's got with him when he gets here.  If he's empty handed, it'll be a celebration - he and Mako will be an item.  If he brings a first-person shooter game, they decided that a relationship isn't gonna work right now, but they're friends, and who knows - maybe someday?  Mid-level bummed, but okay.  We'll video game for a while, and then he'll let me talk him into watching a little shojo anime with me.  He swears up and down he'll only watch that stuff if he's drunk, but as much as he might not want to admit it, Bokuto enjoys getting out the feels just as much as I do.  Okay, maybe not just as much as I do, but he'll still watch with me, even stone cold sober.

If he's got a six pack or two, she broke his heart, and it's gonna be a long night.

The family left about an hour ago for their trip to Kyoto.  Grandfather of course wanted to know how my friends enjoyed the tequila.  I told him that everyone enjoyed it a great deal, and we all had a wonderful time.  Which is true, as far as it goes.  I think everyone did enjoy themselves, in the end.  It just might have taken a bit of a roundabout route for some.

I did feel a little bad when all of the Karasuno first years showed up.  I knew Tsukki and Nakano had had alcohol before, as I was the architect of that moment as well, but it's entirely possible the other three got introduced to drinking with a double shot of tequila, which isn't exactly the best choice for your first time, even if it was 20,000 yen anejo.  I mean, I've got some decent experience imbibing, and even I feel a double shot.  Having that be your first drink...well, it's done now, and they all survived pretty well, I think.  

I was really worried about Karasuno's little shy couple - Yachi and Yamaguchi.  I'd seen them making eyes at each other of course - across the court, at lunch or dinner - but they never so much as even held hands or anything in front of any of us.  The closest I'd seen to any real indication of an honest-to-gosh budding relationship was when they played the Pocky game at Tsukki's birthday party - but that was about as un-romantic a kiss as you could get.  But I guess that double shot really got that little blonde girl to feeling herself, because not only did she give me a hard kiss, she plunked herself right in front of Yamaguchi and did the same thing to him.  Saw her do it to him again later on too, after we'd stopped playing the game.  I figured that was gonna be it - another first year couple among the crows.  

And then the next day, Yachi and Yamaguchi couldn't even get within six feet of one another without blushing like crazy and running in the opposite direction.  Man, I just felt awful.  I mean, I guess anyone might feel a little embarrassed, acting a little crazy when you've got a tequila buzz on, but it wasn't like they slipped off and did each other in a closet somewhere.

I mean, I assume they didn't.  A double shot of tequila has a kick, but not that bad of one.  I mean, they were only buzzed.

Heck, I'd assume that it would take a hell of a lot more than a buzz to get two shy kids like that to strip off and get all up close and personal with each other.  They'd have to be pretty damn drunk for that to go down.

I asked Naka-chan and Tsukki about it.  Apparently those two have been inching towards a relationship at a snail's pace.  Tsukki-bro was glad they'd finally just kissed already, but Naka-chan figures this might set them back a little bit.  She didn't think they'd actually share their first kiss for months yet.  I mean, I get it, I was a shy kid too, back in the day.  But man, that's taking shy to a whole different level!  

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