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This is the chapter meant for my girls, theys, and everything in between just as long as you don't identify as a male! If you identify as a male please read the chapter 3 boy.

"Those degenerate males ugh..."

Who was that? I must have fallen asleep...
"Hello..?" I ask while I open my eyes to see who had awoken me from my slumber.

She has green hair that was in 2 pigtails and a green pin wheel in her hair. She looked lovely.

"Oh hello! My name is Tenko! I am the ultimate Aikido Master!" She smiled at me, to witch I responded with one back.

"Oh I'm Y/N L/N the ultimate Y/U."

"Woah! Really!? That's so cool! Maybe I could teach you some self defense sometime... this place is loaded with degenerate males!"

"Degenerate males..?"

"Agh?! Is it possible you haven't seen one?! I must consider you lucky if that is the case! I have met many here and I, Tenko, will take on the case of protecting all the girls here from those degenerates!"

Well this girl certainly has something against boys... I wonder why? She seems like a good person, and she looks like she'd be willing to murder anyone to protect me right now, so maybe it wouldn't be bad having her around...

"Hey Tenko? Could we be friends?"

"Of course! How else will I be able to protect you from those degenerates!"

"Haha! Tenko I don't think every boy you come across is bad! Sure there's bound to be some who are but come on! Don't you think your being a big sexist here?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about! Of course there all bad! You must have been fooled by one of them! Don't worry I will protect you from any degenerates from now on, ok?!"

"Ok Tenko!" I smiled, as weird as this girl was I was excited to spend time with her. I'm sure where gonna become best friends.

~end of chapter A/N~
Word count: 331

Alright everyone! Finally got this chapter out! Next chapter will be out very soon don't worry! I've been neglecting this story for a while for personal reasons but I'm back! I'll have the next chapter out by next week or before then I promise! Also this chapter is shorter cause it acts as a part 2 of the last chapter. I want my chapter on average have at least a 1000 word count so you guys actually have material to read! I wasn't sure what Tenko would think non-binary people for example, so I asked in amino and people said she probably would treat them just like the girls so that's what I did! From now on all the chapters will be put together regardless of gender! I hope you enjoyed this!

~Author Chan <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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