~chalter 3 BOY~

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This is for people who identify as male everyone else read the other chapter. After reading this continue to chapter 4.

"Ugh degenerate males smh.."

Who was that..? I must have fallen asleep..
"Hello..?" I slowly ask while opening my eyes. I'm still kinda sleepy and I immediately regret my decision when I see the person starring back at me. They had green hair that was tied in 2 pigtails and a green pin whelk in her hair. She would look rather lovely if it wasn't for her intently starring me down.

"Degenerate male! I bet you where having all sorts of fantasies about girls weren't you!?" The girl nearly screams at me while pointing her finger in my direction condescendingly.

Well this is awkward... how do I tell her I was actually thinking of Kokichi? A guy.

"Oh you must have it wrong I actually-"


"But you asked me a question... T^T"

"It was rhetorical you stupidly degenerate! Now stop laying in the middle of the floor I can't get past you! Of course I'm not gonna step over you, maybe I could step on you though, but of course then I'd be getting my shoes all dirty with your degenerate germs~! You probably would love if a girl stepped on you wouldn't you degeneration!"



Why did I say that? I couldn't stand to listen to anymore of her babbling but still!!


I look up to see the girl there her once very aggressive expression loosened to a degree. She appeared to be slightly confused but kept up a intimidating glare in my direction.

"So your gay??" She asked.

"Uh.. I am into guys so.."



"You must not be suck a degenerate then! I'm very sorry for the mistake! My name is Tenko! The ultimate Aikido master! Your still a degenerate male, don't get me wrong, but I suppose you may be an exception to your kind!"

God she had this big of a turn around because I'm queer? If only it where that easy all the time.

"Yeah it's good to meet you.. I'm Y/N L/N the ultimate Y/U."

She gave me a shy smile, probably to make up for whatever the hell that just was. Maybe we can be friends?

"Hey Tenko? Could we possibly be friends?"

"HmMMMM... I guess... BUT IM WATCHING YOU!" She's giving me that glare again and it's kinda disturbing... I know I'll get used to it though.

It's good to have a friend. :)

~end of chapter A/N~
Word count: 436
Wow ok, I've been neglecting this story for a while because some things have been happening lately.. but yesterday someone commented on one of my chapters and said they really like my work so I'm gonna do my best for them! I really hope you enjoyed this! The next chapter is coming out soon I promise! From now on all the chapters will be for everyone regardless of gender... I just had to make a way for you guys to be friends with Tenko hah... I really love Tenko and I read another fan fiction where you where friends with her and I just loved the dynamic so I knew I wanted to incorporate it into this story! That's it! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day~!

~Author Chan <3

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