~authors note~

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Hello everyone Author-Chan here to let you guys no some things before I start this story! I will be finishing this story no matter what because as a reader I am often very upset to find my favorite book has been discontinued. So even if this doesn't get any reads I'm still gonna finish it!

This is a completely gender neutral book! I will be using they/them pronouns so it works which everyone, though feel free to change it in your head if you prefer something else! In this book you'll be friends with Tenko. If your a boy in this book your the one exception to Tenkos behavior with males!

I will try to make these chapters long and a lot of them because as a reader myself I find I'm depressed with short books because they end so quickly.
I'll try to update as much as possible!

No lemon unless it's highly requested maybe lime but we'll see. I will put bold trigger warnings on parts of the story's that may be triggering for some readers such as lime, abuse, self harm etc. I'll put a bold worded ending after words so readers can skip that part if they wish.

I won't be giving you an ultimate because most of the time these ultimates won't fit your personality or character. I'll be using (y/u) as your ultimate so you can insert whatever you wish. None of the art I use is mine unless I say it is.

I might put author notes at the end or beginning of chapters so I'll probably not make another authors note like this where it's in form of a chapter. I'll be putting keys as needed but won't repeat them.

Also I haven't finished playing through the game myself, so what I know comes from other fanfictions I've read and tik tok. However I know all the deaths and murders and such. So I'm sorry if something doesn't completely match the game!

This won't completely match the plot of v3 as I will be changing some things so be prepared for that. But it will be closely following the plot so be ware there will be major v3 spoilers!
Ok that's it! Thank you so much for reading this!


𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤~ (Kokichi Ouma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now