~Chapter 1~

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(Y/n) your name
(Y/u) your ultimate
(L/n) last name
(F/c) favorite color
(F/f) favorite food
(F/d) favorite drink
This takes place AFTER the whole thing where they change cloths and such. :) sorry I'm just lazy and don't want to write it lol

(Y/N) Pov:
Where am I? It's dark and cold. I can feel cold metal on my arms. I can see a bit of light through a small slit . I push forward and stumble out of a, locker? I catch my balance, nearly falling over, and clasp on to the closest thing I could to keep my balance. My eyes are closed tightly from the sudden tumble I took I clench on to the thing I fell on for dear life as it slightly moved at my impact.
"Already eager are we~"

I open my eyes quickly to see that the object I was clinging on was actually a boy. He looks at me with deep purple eyes with a smirk pulling at his lips. I quickly stand up straight and adjust my cloths before looking back at the cute boy. I can feel a slight blush dust my cheeks of embarrassment. "Ah sorry! I um, just feel out of the locker and uh, I guess I ended up on you.. heh.." I flash a small smile to him. He seems to analyze what I said before meeting me with a childish smile. He looked so happy I could of swore there where stars in his eyes. "Hiya! You know your suuuuper cuteeee! What's your name!?" The purple goblin asks.

I chuckle a bit at the compliment and feel a comfortable childish aura form around us both. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)! I'm the ultimate (Y/U)!" I exclaim proudly.

"Woahhhhh so cool!! My name is Kokichi Ouma! I'm the ultimate supreme leader!"
"The ultimate supreme leader?"
"I am the leader of a super secret evil organization~! We have over 10,000 members!"
"Wow that's really impressive Ouma-Chan!"
"Oh but now you know my super duper big secret!" Ouma wines. "I guess you'll just have to join my evil organization then~! Nishishi~!" He coos. Joining Ouma? That doesn't seem like such a bad idea. I mean like he is super cute. "What would my job be?"
"Well someone as cute as you deserves a honorable spot! How about... My second in command!" I blush a bit at this idea.
"How do I know you not lying?"
"I guess you'll never know~! I am a liar after all~!" I pot a bit at his response. Upon seeing my state he instinctively puts a finger to his mouth and fakes a confused expression. "Awwwh did I say something wrong~? Are you maddddd?"
I ignore his response and instead decide to focus in on his eyes. The purple orbs seem to display whatever he pleases, making him completely unreadable.


A large sound rang out and I instinctively spun around to the direction of the noise. Is that... A ROBOT?! The robot flew out of the locker but instead of clasping to Kokichi like I did he fell to the ground with a Big Bang.
"WOWWWWW WHO ARE YOU!!!" The boy beside me almost screamed with excitement. The robot got up slowly looking very confused before forming a response. "My name is K1B0 but you can call me Kiibo. I am the ultimate robot, and who might you be?" He gave a weak smile to the boy that was quickly wiped away and transformed to fear as Kokichi bombarded him touching every inch of his metallic body.

"Ouma-Chan," I nearly scream at the boy, "Calm down! Your scaring him!"
"I- I'm very sorry can you please- AH PLEASE DONT TOUCH THERE!" Kiibo exclaimed nervously as kokichi continued to pester him further.
"Calm down I only want to see~!" Kokichi was now touching um I'd rather not say.
"Ouma what are you trying to see?!"
"I want to know if robots have dicks!"
"What!? Ah please stop!" I restrained ouma before he could do any more damage pulling him into a back hug and four in him away from Kiibo. "Ah sorry about Ouma-Chan! My name is (Y/N) (L/N) ultimate (Y/U). And this is-" I was cut off by Kokichi.

"My name is Kokichi Ouma! The ultimate supreme leader~! Oh and (Y/N)-Chan~! Why do you have to be so mean!" He turned his head to look back at me sense he was still entangled in my arms. Suddenly giant crocodile tears wailed up in his eyes. "WAHHHHH (Y/N) CHAN IS SO MEANNNNNN!" I instinctively turned him around to where he was facing me and held him by his shoulders so he was facing me. This seemed to have surprised him a bit, four big his facade to fade away for a moment, hut just a moment. It was so faint a normal person wouldn't have picked up on it, but you where no normal person. You where (y/n) (l/n) ultimate (y/u). You chose not to press him further and instead engulfed him in a tight hug. Kokichis arms lingered by his side for a moment before they reluctantly wrapped around you loosely, as if he wasn't sure if this was the right course of action. You chuckled a bit at this action and kokichi pulled away quickly after he heard you.

𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤~ (Kokichi Ouma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now