~Chapter 2~

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Me and Kokichi ran through the halls hand in hand. We met a lot of fellow teenagers.
"Kokichi I'm getting kinda tired!" I say half heartily because as much as I want to continue with being with him, I can't stand another minute of running.

"Hmph, but there's still more to explore!" He pouts.
"I know but please can we take a break!"
"Noooooo~! Come onnnnnnn~!" He tries to pull me further but I collapse on the ground, wincing a little at the loss of heat in my hand.
I don't respond...
"(Y/N)!" The boy tells a bit louder.
"Ughhhhh... I'm exhausted T^T"
The boy looks slightly concerned for a moment before taking off his checkered scarf and rapping it around my neck.
"This is for you my beloved (y/n)~! Don't forget me just cause I'm not with you k? I'm going to go explore more cya~!" He pat my head once and before I could say anything more he was off.

I sat alone letting the quiet over take me. I tugged at the checkered scarf that was now around my neck. It smelled faintly of... grape? The smell was sweet, it soothed my thoughts before I slowly drifted out of conscious...

~End of chapter authors note~
Word count: 208
This chapter was shorter because the next chapter will be depending on what you identify as. So if you identify as a boy you will read the boy chapter if you identify as anything else read the other chapter. They are going to be the same for the most part it's just your gonna meet your new friend Tenko! Yayyyyyyy! That's it! I hope you guys enjoyed this!


𝔹𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕥 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤~ (Kokichi Ouma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now