The truth about her fake death, and the visitor

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                          Yuuki rocked the cradle as her children slept. "So, Yuuki?" She looked at her sisters. "How did you do that trick?" She tilted her head. "What trick?" Avera rolled her eyes. "Don't give us the innocent look, we know you did something." Amora nodded in agreement. Yuuki turned to them, "You really want to know?"

                                They both nodded. Yuuki sighed and turned to them. "Well, I knew that girl, or Rebecca would try something. Because I humiliated her, and almost killed her in front of everyone. And if she found out I was pregnant, that would be worse." Her son sniffled. She picked him up and rocked him, "So, I came up with a plan. Make a clone, or make it look like she was a clone. Well, technically she was an illusion." She put him back and covered him up. "I then had to go away somewhere, while my 'illusion' took my place." She rocked the cradle with her foot.

                           Avera and Amora were still confused. "But how do you know she would try to kill you?" Yuuki rolled her eyes. "Well, duh, woman's intuition, just kidding. I knew she would try to do it. She had a score to settle with me, plus she wanted to be queen." The door to the room opened and then closed. "You, my love, have some explaining to do." Pierce stopped, "How did you know it was me?" She turned to him. "You sort of stomp when you walk." He sat down beside her.

                                     She turned to him. "What you have to explain is, why you didn't tell me you had an older brother?" He looked away. She raised an eyebrow. "Fine." She got up. "Then I'll go ask your mother."

                                 Pierce's eyes widened. "You wouldn't. You know my mother doesn't want to be disturbed as she sleeps." Yuuki smiled, and then turned to leave the room. He grabbed her hand, "Fine, I'll tell you." She sat back down again. Amora and Avera leaned in. He sighed, "First of all, that murderer, is not my brother. He's just a man who was adopted by my parents before I was born."

                                       Pierce told the story as they all listened, they asked a few questions here and there, but otherwise, they just nodded. He told them how when he was born, his parents deemed him to inherit the throne, which made his brother fly into a rage and killed their father. They nodded here and there, and asking some questions. But they stayed silent. An hour later, after his story was done, silence went throughout the room.

                                                                         Avera broke the silence, "So, he's the enemy who wanted Yuuki dead?" Yuuki soghed and flicked her nose. "Don't be rase, he doesn't even know me. Let alone I've never met him."

                                          A guard knocked on the door, "Your Majesties, you have a visitor." Pierce left the room. Yuuki smiled at her children. The door slammed open, and her children began to scream at the noise, "Who the hell, slammed that damn door?!" She seethed with anger. A cough went through the room. She ignored it and calmed down her children, who went back to sleep, sniffling a little. She than turned and glared at the newcomer. "You have five secounds, to explain, before I rip your head off." She stopped as golden eyes stared back at her, "Markus?"

                                         Amora looked from one to the other. "You know him?" Yuuki nodded and put her hands on his face. A new scar lined his left eye, and went into his hair line. "Your alive." She hit his shoulder. He smiled and patted her head. "You've changed Yu." She scowled. "I told you not to call me that."

                                         Yuuki hugged him. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WIFE!" She turned to see Pierce fuming in the doorway. Yuuki rolled her eyes. "Pierce, he's an old friend. Don't yell or you'll wake the children." She scowled at him as he walked towards her. He grabbed her and hugged her close. "What are you doing here, brother?!" Yuuki was confused. "He is the brother you were talking about? The one who killed your father in a rage?"

                                         She looked between them. "Hold on, that can't be right. I've known him for the past seven years, and he's scared at the sight of blood. Eapecially for a vampire." Markus blushed, "Don't tell them that. And for the last time, that wasn't me. It was a double someone made." They glared at each other.

                                           Yuuki came up with an idea. "Markus, kneel down for a sec." He looked puzzled. "Just do it." She pulled out of Pierce's arms. "Stay still for a minute. Back up a little bit, alright Pierce?" He stood next to her sisters. Yuuki put a hand on each side of his head, and then closed her eyes. After a few minutes she opened them.  Her red eyes looked around the room. Then she blinked. Her eyes went back to normal. "That's odd."

                                                "What is it?" Pierce asked. She looked at him confused. "It was him, I think, but it wasn't."

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