Vampira-The city of vampires

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                            1.City of Vampires

           Yuuki sighed as she got of the train. Four hours on a train, bus, another train, a plane and the another bus, really takes it's tole on you. She hoped seeing her older and younger sister was worth it. She hasn't seen them since seven years ago, right before she went to Medical school.

             In this world there are no humans, the only creatures here are vampires, shinigami's, and witches. But in this certain town, has seven vampires kings, monarchs, dukes, marquis, and earls, and the high vampire king, who has been asleep for a four-thousand years. They say that the only one to wake him is his mate, who has not been found yet. 

                Walking down the street she sighed again. I hope she home, it gets really annoying when I visi and she not there. If she's not home then she with her husband, on of the seven kings. Just my luck. I looked at her huge house in wonder, it always impressed me when she added new additions. I saw her car and for me that's lucky. After I see her, I'll have to go and see my other sister, she's in a different part of town because she married a marquis. I can't even remember his name, Micheal? Mike? Marcus. Well, it starts with an M anyway.

               She better be home, or they'll be hell to pay. She rang the doorbell and waited, and waited, and waited some more. Her temper was rising with each passing moment. "That does it." She set down her bag and medical books and then took a breath. Yuuki kicked the door in, which rebounded off the hinges an went bang through the halls. She grimaced as crying went through the house. Oh great I woke up the children, it seems I still need to control my anger.

                One of the doors flew open and out storms my sister, in all her raging fury. "Who the hell woke my children up,it took forever to get them to sleep, and do anybody around her not know that I would like a little time with my-..." She trailed off as she saw Yuuki. "Honestly big sis, if your going to be asleep when you ask me to visit, then I should of went to Amora first."  She was crushed to her sister' chest as she came flying down the stairs. "Oh my sweet Yu-yu, if I knew you would come this late I would've called and tolled you to go see Amora first."

                     I groaned at the nickname she gave me. "I hate it when you call me that."  She laughed, and out came her husband who was fuming that he had to get the children back to sleep. "Who the hell woke up my sons-" He stopped when he saw me. "Yuuki?" I gave a small smile and then nodded around my sister, "What's up Ev?" (Short for Evan) "How have you been?" He scowled at me, "Well, I've been fine until you woke the boys up with your temper, I see losing it hasn't kept your wings and tail from coming out. Your lucky they're small right now." Yuuki stuck her tongue out, "Oh bite me. If my sister wasn't holding me right now, you'd be wrapped in bandages like a mummy." He chuckled and then groaned as three little bodies flew out of the room. "Aunty Yu-yu!"

                Great now their calling me that. I sighed in relief as Akera let me go. They triplets flew at me from all sides, grabbing my wings and tail. "Hey, what have I told you about grabbing me in the places that hurt?" They looked at the ground sheepishly. "We're sorry."

              Yuuki smiled, "Well I'll let you guys go back to sleep. I now have to go see Aunty Amora, and her husband... I can never get his name right. Micheal? Mackintosh? Oh! Whatever." The triplets whined when they were hauled off to bed. I said goodbye to Avera, and walked the three-hundred miles to my younger sister's house. The door flew open just as I was about to knock. "Aunty!" Four young ones with three older one ran at me. "Oomph!" Came out of my mouth on impact. "Alright, you monsters, give your aunt some room." My sister Amora gave me a hug. "Hey you, been a long time."

            I hugged her, "Yeah. It has." She pulled back and smiled, "Well at least your here for the ceremony when they wake the High King tomorrow." she nudged me, "Maybe you'll find your mate there." I shook my head, can't you guys leave me alone. I know I'm the only one without a mate, but all those guys are stuck up, and have huge egos. Ugh! Hate my life. At least I finished school before I got a mate, or don't have one. Man the world can be screwed up sometimes.

               Yuuki sat up the next morning, not in the best of moods. She was starving, her head hurt, and the music was too damn loud. She got up in a huff and didn't care that her 'evil side' was showing as she stomped to her nephews' room. Knock, knock. No answer. Her temper and headache had reached it's maximum boiling point. I flicked the door open and it smashed into the wall. My nephew and his friends looked up from playing a video game, fear flashed through their eyes. "Oh Micheal, you do know it is five a.m, and your up playing video games. I suggest you and your friends go to bed, before I rip those apart and throw them away." She grumbled as she walked back to her room.


                I watched as Yuuki marched to her room, after telling my son to go to bed. Thank you lord, at least someone tells him what's what. It seems he didn't listen, for not after he slammed his door, and turned the music up louder. That's when I flinched, Yuuki had come back out of her room, and she was beyond pissed. Now you've heard that when she a little pissed, her tail and wings are small, well this is not that situation. She is beyond pissed, her wings were out fully, her tail was thrashing about, her eyes went pitch black and her fangs had appeared. This is what happens when you wake her up early in the morning, me and my sister shiver, we still can feel the bite marks, even if they are faint.

              She marched to my son's room and then all hell broke loose. Her familiar came out and watched the door as she went in. My husband came out of our younger children's bedroom. "What happened?" He flinched as he heard a crash and then someone cursing at someone else. The next thing we know, all is quiet. Yuuki came out a few minutes later, yawning and walking out of the room, closing the door behind her. "You might not want to buy him a new game system anytime soon," She said walking to her room, her familiar following. "Oh," I turned to look at her. "I'll be borrowing your son and his friends in a few hours, so they better make sure they get some sleep." I sighed. "Mikali, I believe our son will experience hell tomorrow." He chuckled, "Well, he'll deserve it and probably stop hanging out with those deliquients. Hell I would be surprised if your sister scared them straight."

                I chuckled yeah that would be something.


                Honestly teaching my nephew a lesson in manners, and then there's that party tonight.  This is going to be a long day.

               Yuuki had to hold her hands over her ears to drown out of her nephew's whining. "Oh shut up already, just because you are mad at me and are sixteen doesn't mean you can whine and cry and get your way. Now zip those lips before I have my familiars eat you." That shut him up. I sighed in relief, I swear when I get a mate, I will not have kids for a long time. I took them all to the Hospital in town. "You all are going to be my helpers today, while I'm doing surgery, and then you'll know how it feels when your woken up early. Let's go."

              By the time I was done with them they were shaken, turning green, and about to faint. "Now, when your parents say for you to go to bed will you do it," I got nods, "And if your parents tell you to do other things will you do it." They nodded again. Good. I took them back his friends to each of their houses, and the taking m nephew we went home. I needed to take a nap before that party tonight.


              It was the dreaded hour, great here we go.

                       Hey give me some comments on what you want her familiars to look like and what powers they have. And give me a few pointers if you want.


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