Getting rid of some trash (actual chapter)

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A/N: Welp Christmas break is over and classes are back so that means I can't just be lazy anymore...
Damn ._.
Rosand Republic
Arters City
Michael POV

While Rick and James are busy attacking the city garrison's barracks, me and Robert were heading our way to the city lord's estate.

An explosion occurs in the direction of the barracks which alerts the guards

Guard 1: What was that?!

Guard 2: I don't know!

Guard 1: Let's go check it out, (Guard 3), (Guard 4) You stay here and guard the estate!

Guards 3&4: Yes sir!

The two guards left for the barracks while me and Robert ready our MP5 equipped with silencers and make our way slowly to the gate.

Me: I take the left, you take the right.
Fire in 3...2...1...go.

Two shots were fired at the same time taking out both guards. We make our way to the gate and Robert shoots open the lock with an M500.

We make our way through the courtyard and we reach the door. I prepare a flashbang while Robert takes his M500 and shoots the door open, then I throw in my flashbang.

After a loud bang and a bright light, we enter the room to see many stunned guards, and we open fire. We check room after room until we find the maid and butlers hiding inside one of them.

Me: Hands up where I can see them!

Robert: Get down on the ground!

We enter the room but a guard jumps at me with a dagger and tries to stab me but Robert shoots him in the head.

After the room was secure we move on to the second-floor clearing room after room until we reach the last. The room was heavily guarded with multiple guards in front of the door.

Guard 1: Intruders! Kill them!

The guards charge at us with their swords but we make quickly get rid of them with our MP5.

Robert again takes out his M500 and shoots the door hinges and I kick it down. Inside the room we see a maid being taken hostage by the city lord.

City lord: Who are you people?! Don't move or this maid is dead!

Maid: No! Please!

Robert: What do we do?

City lord: Let me go you savages or the girl dies!

Me: I'm gonna try and get in contact with Archer.

Me(Into radio): Hunter 2-3 this is Checkmate 3-1, we got a hostage situation. Requesting sniper support over.

Radio: Roger that 3-1, standby for support.

Me(to Robert): Sniper support is on its way, keep him here.

Robert: Wilco.

City lord: You bunch of savages dare to ignore me?! Guards! Take these idiots! Guards? Guards!

Me: Your guards are dead Mr. Fattso, just put the knife down and nobody gets hurt.

Radio: Come in Checkmate 3-1, sniper support is in position. Waiting for your orders, over.

Me: Copy that 2-3, take the shot, over.

A loud bang was heard from the balcony and the city lord's head burst leaving him limp with a hole on the side of his head.

Me: It's a hit. Good job 2-3.

Radio: Anytime 3-1, over and out.

(A/N): I had no clue what I was writing but it sounded a lot cooler in my head but now that I wrote it I feel like this whole book may have been a bad idea.

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