Bandit raid.

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Rosand Republic
Teokeyn Forest

5 months after the attack on Arters city the army grunts became popular as a terrifying mercenary unit working for Arlan. Rumors say that they use ancient magic with a metal beast that moves faster than wyverns and more powerful than a behemoth.

Many people, mostly nobles from the human kingdoms seek cooperation with the team and when they are rejected they start calling them traitors and attack them only to be killed.

The human kingdoms start a propaganda campaign to get rid of this unknown force working for Arlan. Claiming these men are demons.

Meanwhile, the team they are so afraid of are currently searching in a cave.

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Bandit camp
Robert POV

We heard of a bandit camp that's been attacking nearby villages capturing its inhabitants for slavery. Michael sent me out with a group of 5 men to deal with them.

It's a stormy night and while the bandits are celebrating and getting drunk in their cave, we hide in the bushes waiting to strike.

I aim my suppressed M249 and wait...

(A/N: I have no idea what an M249 sounds like)

With a pull of the trigger 5 men drop dead.

We move in clearing room after room and we run into a room which almost made us all lose our dinner.

Women lie down on the floor with lifeless eyes, clothes were torn, bodies beaten. Men and children are no exception to the beatings, some even dead on the floor, left to rot.

A woman looks up at us and starts backing away, fear present in her eyes.

She kind of reminds me of someone.

Woman???: No, no! Get away from me!

Robert: Hey, hey! It's okay! I'm not doing to hurt you...

I put my weapon down and slowly reach out to her. She hesitates to take my hand, afraid that I'm going to do to her what those monsters did before.

Footsteps erupt from the hallway.

Bandit???1: Ah damn, we do all this work and we don't even get a nice woman. The boss keeps hogging that hottie to himself.

Bandit???2: Ugh, stop complaining already it's break time. I'm gonna go get something to drink.

Bandit???1: I'm gonna have some fun with those ladies.

Robert: Shit... c'mon we gotta get outta here. Through that hole, go go!

We all escape from the hole that one of the men made and we quickly escape.

Slave???1: What do we do? The bandits will chase us until we can't fight anymore!

Slave???2: No way! Is it over?! It can't be we just got out of here!

I look over to the slaves.

Robert: Everybody calms down. They won't be chasing us anytime soon. Oliver, light the fireworks.

ArmyGrunt: You got it, sir!

A large explosion is heard in the direction of the cave causing the slaves to be afraid and cover their sensitive ears.

Robert: Alright... let's get out of here.

We load up the trucks with slaves and get back to base.
(A/N): Sorry for not uploading actual chapters in a while and also I have a book where I put all my ideas in. If the idea gets enough positive reaction then maybe I'll make it a real book.

 If the idea gets enough positive reaction then maybe I'll make it a real book

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