We're not alone

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Unknown forest
James POV


"James, pass me my bag" Robert interrupts my fantasies.

"Sure thing." I grab a bag in the corner and tosses it at Robert who was busy setting up a small campsite using things they bought from the system.

The sound of rustling leaves makes us reach for our handguns only to realize that it was Michael and Rick.

"Gun's down, we got some water, now for food." Michael says

"Can't we just use the MRE's that we have?" Rick asks Michael

"Not a good idea, we're gonna save it for emergencies where we can't get food." Rober answers Rick

"Agreed, usually fantasy worlds like these are filled with all kinds of creatures like monsters and absurdly strong animals." I spill out my knowledge about fantasy worlds like these.

"Speaking of unknowns..." Rick interrupts nudging at Michael

"We just ran into what seems to be a little girl." Michael responds

"So there are others in this forest?" I ask Michael wondering what kind of fantasy things I'll find. A kingdom? Elves? Catgirls? The possibilities are endless!

"Yeah on the other side of the river there seem to be some traces of a trail." Michael continues

"Shit man, you think there's a settlement near here then? What if this is their territory, will they think of us as intruders?" Rick starts to panic

"Relax guys, in the novels I read usually we go out and follow the trail which leads us to a merchant group or some nobles that are under attack and we save them!" I say with sparkles in my eyes.

"Calm down James, we don't even know if they're hostile yet." Michael replies

"We could send someone to follow them using your 'summon soldiers' ability." Robert says his idea.

"That might work... but what about the points?" Michael responds to Roberts idea

Robert answers "Don't worry about the points, we already have a camp set up and the rest of us can buy the ammunition."

"Alright, let me see what I can do." Michael answers




Summoning arms (1)
(You can summon different kinds of modern weaponry such as guns, vehicles, and many other items using points acquired from killing enemies. You can summon more kinds of arms by leveling up. )

>Summon soldiers (1)
(You can summon soldiers ranging from infantry, navy, all the way to logistics personnel using points acquired from killing enemies. You can summon more kinds of personnel by leveling up.)

Appraisal (1)
(You can see the value in everything. Increased effectiveness the higher your level is.)

<Summon rifleman> (20 points)
Confirm Y/N


A bright light appears and suddenly a man comes out of what seems to be a magic circle equipped with an M4, an M9, and wore an ACU.

"Pvt. Dave Williams reporting for duty sir!" The new summon salutes at Michael.

"Private, I need you to do a recon mission. On the river 50 meters to our east, there is a man-made path. Follow that path for a kilometer and come back to report your findings. You will leave at 06:00 tomorrow morning." Michael says in a serious tone

"Yes sir!" Dave gets his equipment prepped and everybody sleeps with the newly summoned Dave keeping watch.

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