The natives and the Grunts

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Rosand Republic
Teokeyn Forest
Village of Cidde
Helen Daviya POV

I awake to an unfamiliar sight. Im in a tent along with many of my fellow villagers, all full of horrendous wounds across our bodies.

I try to get up but feel a sharp pain on my left arm. My arm is covered in bandages. I dont know if I can still lift a bow, but for as long as I live I vow to protect those dear to me.

When I think about my vow I remember what happened before I passed out. The arrow that pierced that bastards skull.

I did it.

I got my revenge.

I look around the tent and look at the injuries inflicted on the villagers I was meant to protect. But I still couldnt protect them all...

I suddenly remember those strange men. They wore strange clothing I have never seen before, weapons that could decimate those raiders despite being out-numbered.

While I am grateful to them for defending our village I think tho myself what they wanted as payment for their deeds.

'Do they want money or us as slaves? No... I heard the Count beg for his life and offered them much more than this village could offer...'

I get a headache from thinking too hard.

'I'll deal with it when the time comes...'
Teokeyn Forest
Village of Cidde
3rd POV

Michael and his group are currently having a meeting with the village chief along with the village elder and other influential people of the village.

The village chief, with his forehead covered in a thin sheet of sweat starts wondering 'Who are these men? They killed so many raiders with so little fighters. Are they not afraid of the kingdoms retaliation? Are they our enemies?'

Michael takes out a cigarette and puffs out a smoke ring.

The village chief gulps and the village elder wonders how these men could kill the raiders despite not being able to detect an ounce of magic from them.

The leader of the village militia died in battle, in his place is the village healer. She was wary of these unknown men but was slightly less guarded once she saw them aiding the villagers. She must agree that their methods are quite effective, she never would have thought of sewing a wound shut with threads and needles.

The village chief breaks the silence "While we are gratefull for your help in defeating the raiders we still do not know who you are or what your purpose is. Let me ask you, who are you people?"

Michael, now a staff sergeant, puffs out smoke and answers thinks about his question. After the raiders were killed he and his group gained a lot of points. Around 15 points per raider, 20 points per knight. He promoted James and Robert to sergeant and Rick to Corporal.

Michael summoned ten soldiers and devided them into two fireteams.

Michael thought of a name for his squad and remembered the days where him and his platoon would get cornered but kept on fighting. After a brief silence he said "We are the Badgers."

'The Badgers?' Everyone in the room wondered about this name but didnt dare to ask unless they anger the men who could kill a fully armored knight without even getting close.

That meeting would be the start of a name that will forever be remembered in history. Not written down in gold, but in the blood of both enemies and allies yet refuse to surrender.

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