About where we are

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Rosand Republic
Teokeyn Forest
Michael POV

It's already been a week since the meeting, from the meeting we learned alot.

We are in the Toekeyn Forest in between the Rosand Republic and the Bejiar kingdom. The Republic was made by the dufferent races of demi-humans in order to defend against the aggression of mulriple kingdoms.

Demi-humans are plenty in variety. First are the elves. The elves are a race similar to humans in looks but with long pointy ears. Known for its high magic affinity, long life span, and increadible beauty makes them the ideal target for slave traders.

The beastmen are humans with animalistic features. Known for their physical capabilities the average adult beastmen can take on up to 8 regular humans. The beastmen are an easier target than elves but they are still harder to capture by slave traders due to their tenacity in fighting.

The world Pleatira has 5 continents, each being governed by a god or higher being.

Maltear, the god of Stratos

Morril, the god of Ignis

Jarnes, the goddess of Hydran

Joth, the god of Elektro

Vuana, the goddess of Cobble

Each diety is worshipped in their respective continents and keep watch over eachother to ensure a war between continents.

The continent were on is called "Pemin". A continent primarily ruled by humans. The four nations are the Beijar kingdom, the kingdom of Zewai, the Acora Empire and the Rosand Republic.

The kingdom of Beijar is located near the coast and primarily earns by trading with other continents. The kingdom of Beijar is said to be the richest of the four nations.

The Zewai kingdom is filled with pleteaus and deserts with a culture similar to the ancient egyptians. It is said that the Zewai kingdom is the origin of knowledge and wisdom.

The Acora Empire is a land filled with mountains, lush forest's, and vast lands rich with resources. The empire conquered nearly half the continent before the 5th emporor stopped the invasions and developed the land. The empire still retains the strongest military force in the continent.

The Rosand Republic was founded only 5 years ago when multiple demi-human tribes banded together for their independence. The land is mostly wild and untamed filled with countless dangers but numerous resources. It is guided by a council which have representatives from each race of demihuman. The Rosand Republic is the smallest of the four but is able to fight back against most aggressors.

There only one place where all races are equal and that is Napu, the city of magic.

Napu is a city located in the center of the continent where over 60% of its residents are magicians. Napu does not belong to any nation and is in a neutral stance against demi-human discrimination.

The city is where most magical breakthroughs and discoveries are made and do not descriminate against demi-humans and in fact welcome then due to their magical abilities.

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