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"I tell you with dry lips

Stay "


"Is there anything else sir?"

Jungkook would just wave off the waitress but something in her voice force his head to look up at the girl whose smile are wide and friendly while he holds a blank expression. For a moment Y/N flashes in his eyes. 

His heart races fast making his hand tremble a bit as his eyes linger at her face longer than he has intended. That girl oddly reminds him of Y/N somehow, a spark of hope blooms in his chest maybe this is a sign of your rebirth. Maybe he can be happy again.

Without him knowing she was still waiting for his responds big smile still plastered on her lips. Standing awkwardly. 

No this is not Y/N. I should not be using her. Jungkook thought shaking his head from the idea. 

His infamous scowl comes back as he looks down to his phone. Although he could still see her from the side of his eye.

"You can go" He replied coldly 

The girl did not seem offended by his cold demeanor in fact. She took a step back sending him a sad smile. Jungkook however did not liked it, he did not need pity from anyone. He shuts his phone standing up abruptly taking her off-guard his height easily tower over her.

"Do not look at me with pity. I don't need it" He spat before dashing out of the café leaving customers whispering at each other then stare at the girl waitress feeling sorry she had to go through that 

The girl let out a sigh, she did not mean any harm or anything to make him upset. She went back to the counter resuming her job quietly. 

Jungkook was regular in the café with Y/N but now that woman who reminds him of her works there and had the audacity to look at him with pity. Even if he did read that wrongly he does not need anyone to sympathies.

Y/N is enough and he is not looking for a replacement.



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