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                                                                  "Like a madman, I keep on saying                                                                                                                                               Wherever you are I know                                                                               you'll always stay"


Jungkook does not really want to get up from bed like every other morning but he has a company to handle as much as he hate it he work hard to gained it besides Y/N would be disappointed if he threw away all his hard work. 

He showered got ready wearing a grey colored suit perfectly tailored from him. He decides to not wear a tie today. Grabbing his suitcase before going out of his house to see his chauffeur waiting for him.

Mark his driver greeted him like always as he open the door for Jungkook. However Jungkook ignore his greeting not feeling the mood. Mark decides not to say anything seeing his boss frowning but he tries to not get it to him.

When Jungkook lost you, he was not himself anymore just how someone presence could drastically change him. When you were still here by his side he would have this biggest and brightest genuine smile ever that makes him more humane. Not just that but you were a bundle of joy always smiling, your pure kindness makes people love you and not gong to lie but you were the most gorgeous woman he- everyone had ever laid there eyes on.

Simply beautiful.

Jungkook remained emotionless like a robot. When they arrived he wasted no time opening the door himself as he stride towards the tall building. His strong aura intimidate everybody that none of his employees dare to gaze up at him nor be in his presence more than a second without trembling in fear.

Jungkook went straight to his office and when he is gone everybody let's out a breath that they did not know they were holding.

"Mr Jeon may I come in?" His secretary Jae said 

A faint yes came from Jungkook's lips as his secretary walks in holding some folders while on his other hand is holding a cup of coffee. Jae places his coffee by the side of his desk like he always does before handling the folder to Jungkook.

"Everything is all under control. Your father called this morning, insisting that you'd join him for lunch today. Also your meeting with the Lee company is schedule today afternoon and tomorrow you have with Mr Son, same time" Jae said almost to the point he is rapping

Jungkook did not like slow talkers so being the good secretary Jae is he cope everything to his liking to avoid being screamed at. Although he prefer the other version of him when you were still here. He was a lot more nicer but they could not just ask you to come back.

"Tell him I could not attend today's lunch" Jungkook said not sparing a glance at him before gesturing with his hand as he is excused 

Jae bowed his head as a respect quickly walking out of the room. Jungkook continued doing his work checking out the sales to which the statistic is steady and also the Jeon hotels are doing okay. He double checks all of the forms frowning all the way. Jungkook owns thirty hotels in total all around Korea and five successful business company. He also invest in some shops and buildings.

Although there's more buildings that are under his name. He stack the papers when he finishes checking it before going through another when he heard a soft knock his frowns deepens at the interruption.

"May I come in?" a small and timid voice said

Jungkook raised a brow when the girl peak her head in, staring warily at him. He stops doing whatever he was doing as the girl walks in with a small smile but he did not return it making her shift uncomfortable.

"Your father invited me to lunch today and he suggested that we go there together" she fidget nervously 

Then it clicked him, this was the girl of his father choice when Y/N died so Jungkook could settle but he has no intentions of marrying someone else than you and he made that clear yet these people just keep on bugging him. 

He does even remembered her name and the girl just tries so hard to get his attention.

"Jae my secretary will drive you there" Jungkook press something on the telcom as Jae quickly walk in with a confuse look

"Jae please escort this woman down, she will have lunch with my father" He said without a care before continuing where he left off

"Alright sir. Ma'am please follow me" Jae gesture for her but the girl did not budge from her spot which annoys Jungkook but he keeps a façade on.

"Why can't you just cooperate!!" She exclaimed face red finally breaking from the act "What don't I have that the bitch does?! She's gone Jungkook, she died-

Jungkook slam his fist on his desk making it shakes knocking off some few stuff over. The sound echoed the room as the girl and Jae flinch eyes wide. Jungkook eyes darkened as he held a glare towards the girl with hatred, his nose flared fist clenched so tight to prevent him from punching someone.

"DON'T YOU DARE COMPARE YOURSELF TO HER! She has everything that you don't, in fact you don't even stand above her ankles." Jungkook spat making the girl flinch 

fear lace in her eyes yet she does not move from her spot instead she wants to console him like what Y/N always do whenever his is mad. Jae who is standing near the door with eyes wide itching to run out of the room to avoid seeing his boss fury but froze on his place also. Jungkook stood up slowly intimidatingly like a predator as he sauntered towards her with a grin. 

He could not believe his ears that someone would disrespect his woman. His queen. God help anyone who disrespect his queen. One thing he hates the most is when people step on Y/N just because they feel like they are greater.

"Stop trying and find someone else" 

Jungkook is much calmer now but we know there's a storm forming inside of him. The girl sniff feeling hurt but she paid no attention to him she is not going anywhere.

"Take her out"

Jae grab her wrist which she resisted trying to break free but failed. She wails and screams filled the building that it made Jungkook winces at the sound. Finally when she is out Jungkook fixes his suit walking back to his desk.

He sat back suddenly feeling sore at the back of his neck which he tried to soothe it but to no avail. He thought about you, how easily you could make him calm and your soft hand massaging it but you weren't here to get rid of it instead a deep sigh escape his lips as he stop trying. 

He covers his face with his hands muttering sorry. He is not sure why. Sorry that he acted this way because you dislike it or sorry that he could not make you stay with him any longer. Probably both.

He just could not let you go. Not ever.

"Y/N is not gone, you are here cause you'll always stay" Jungkook whisper to himself as an assurance

He muttered it to himself again and again like a madman. 

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