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"We connect to 7G

It ain't the end of the world

The present it shine like a pearl"


Jungkook opens his eyes his heart beating fast against his ribcage trying to calm it down. He knows you're no longer with him.

It was over

He sits up glancing around the room with anticipation then stared at the spot you were sitting. You were really gone. Jungkook reaches for his cheek where your soft touch still lingers. His tears already had dried out.

You were his first love and nothing is going to change that.

You visited him in his dreams. He was not sure how but he is grateful to see you again. He needed that to know you are indeed with him although he couldn't reached you anymore . He always believe when you first meet him they had that sort of connection.

"You are free to love anyone Jungkook"

Y/N's soft voice echoes in his head as he remembered what you had told him. He closes his eyes one last time feeling the warm sunlight peeking through the curtains as it hit his face. For once Jungkook smiles for himself genuinely, he no longer felt that heavy sorrow in his chest whenever he woke up instead he felt calm and happy. 

Jungkook may never forget what he had with you. Their love but now he learn to finally let you go so he can start his own happiness without feeling guilty. All this times he refused to let Y/N go afraid what they have will disappear but in fact those memories will always stay. 

Keeping himself busy with hectic schedule was the only way he knew so he won't feel the pain yet it was temporary making him more devastated. He can't go back to those days so he needs to accept it. So many feelings to let go but eventually he'll be fine. Soon.

It really is time to let you go. Jungkook finally had a proper goodbye to you. He is ready to let go now.

"Y/N I will try to be happy" He whispered getting off the bed to get ready

He needs to do something before work. 

3rd POV

Luna woke up early to clean the café before opening the doors. When she did finished cleaning up and setting the tables Luna went to turn the close sign to open. 

She enjoyed working at the café although sometimes business can get slow nonetheless she really enjoys them. Luna stood behind the counter waiting for customers to walk in, she hums to keep herself entertain for a while. 

The bell chimes indicating a customer walk in. Luna put on her best smile greeting the person warmly when she looked up it was the handsome man who had yelled at her for pitying him. Luna tried not to look shock plastering a smile.

She really does not hold grudges he probably had a bad day that time. Jungkook stride towards her, he may look neutral but his head is spiraling trying to think what to say to the girl. His first impression on her is probably bad. 

Jungkook felt bad, he thought she's going to glare at him but surprisingly she was smiling brightly. His heart starts to palpitate at the sight of the girl.

"What would you like to order?" Luna chirped

"Iced Americano" 

Luna nodded jotting down his order before making them. Jungkook stood there not knowing how to start there's no one here yet so this may be his chance. Honestly he haven't felt nervous in a while. Jungkook just watch her make his drink until she turn around.

"Here you go Ice Americano!" 

Jungkook hand her the money but he did not move from his spot making Luna look at him confuse but the smile never flattered. Jungkook decide to just be straight forward.

"Is there anything else sir?" She asked raising a brow

"Jungkook. My name is Jungkook and I would like to apologize for my behavior" Luna smiled not expecting that

"It's okay I accept your apology Jungkook. My name is Luna" This time Jungkook smiled extending his hand for an handshake as she accepted it

When their hands meet Jungkook can't ignore the slight spark he felt and he knew Luna felt it too because her eyes widen a bit but quickly hides it. They just meet but Jungkook can't help but be captivate by her smile already

"Lovely to meet you Luna. Maybe I can invite you for lunch later?" Jungkook suggest praying silently she'll say yes

She thinks about it first. No guy had asked her out-- well not as handsome as Jungkook so of course she is not going to let this slide. Her smile widened nodding her head, the idea itself does not sound bad.

"Sure. My break is around one afternoon" 

Jungkook nodded flashing her one last smile waving at her before turning around to exit the café. Luna inside squeals at the sudden event she can't wait for this lunch with Jungkook. 

"Everything alright Sir?" Jon asked the smiling man

"Everything is good" 

Jungkook's respond shock Jon this is the happiest he had seem. Whatever the reason was Jon is grateful to see the cheerful man back. Jungkook look up at the blue sky smiling.

"Thank you Y/N"

The End



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