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"every night and day, 

Yeah I know you'll always stay"


"Sir Mr Kim would like to see you" 

Jungkook's ears perk up at the name. Gulping down a lump on his throat as he gesture Mark to bring him inside. He was always nervous when it comes to your brother, he is the only family you got and you both had a strong sibling bond. He admire that because it was something Jungkook does not have. He was always alone back at the Jeon mansion until you.

He is special to Y/N so he is special to Jungkook as well. Mr Kim entered the office with a soft smile before closing the door behind him holding somewhat a small box.

"I hope I am not intruding" He joked revealing his dimples

It reminded him of Y/N. She has dimples too and their eyes were the same. He look away briefly before standing up to greet him. 

"You are not. Please have a seat" Jungkook said but he politely decline

"I will not be here long. I am just paying a visit to check on you and to give you this" He handed me an envelope as I stare at it curiously 

"Those are hers I just found it hidden. I thought I gave them to you" 

Jungkook heart ache so much at this as he stare at it pathetically that he did not realise Namjoon is now beside him giving a sympathy pat at the back. For Namjoon is was hard losing his beloved sister his only source of strength and hope in this world.

They were not in a well off family like Jungkook but that does not mean he is not suffering. Everyone is. Throughout Namjoon's life he tried to shield Y/N from the cruel world and harsh comments but that seem to only hurt her more being so clueless. With that she learned from it and became stronger. Stronger than her brother will ever be.

Death is not the end. She will live in another life maybe in a different year who knows. Namjoon learn to accept that his sister is gone and now Jungkook need to realize that too. He is so cope up in his emotions barely living anymore.

What will Y/N thought about that? She'll be devastated. Jungkook just needs someone to support him and Namjoon is willing to give him that. To let go and accept.

"It was nice to see you again. I hope we can have lunch together if you aren't busy" Namjoon smiled trying to lighten the atmosphere which it did a little 

"Of course I'll have Yeon sort it out"  

Namjoon gave Jungkook a brotherly hug which made Jungkook teared up a bit as he quickly wipe it away. Namjoon left and now its just Jungkook deep with his thoughts and the envelope that seems to scared him. Afraid of what's inside. He decides he'll not open it yet. 

He sits back down heart heavy all of a sudden. Heart empty, his hands lacking warmth. He rub his chest where his heart is located. The pain is immense. He could not do it without you, even if he tried but he did not want to. 

He took out the purple bracelet from his pocket gripping it tightly as he tries to calm his breathing and heartbeat. 

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