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"Right now I think of you

wherever you are

It doesn't matter"


Jungkook just want a day without anybody bothering him but of course his father called him something about a brunch party and how his presence is a must. Does people even come to these sort of events he thought grumpily.

He went towards his closet, eye scanning the various dark suit hanging in color coordinates. He had separate rooms for his clothes according to the events such as sleep wear, casual, work attire and so on. Jungkook has a soft spot for fashion.

Then something odd caught his eyes a light blue color suit hanging neatly at the end. It was the only one that stand out since the others were darker shades. Y/N bought that and she managed to sneak one in. He was not very fond of the color but it was a gift from you.

He took out the blue suit wearing it, grabbing a tie to match with it. He checks himself in the mirror. His hair had gotten longer but he does not mind it at all. A satisfied smile plastered on his face, wearing this makes it feel like you are with him. 

He avert from the mirror to the nightstand near his bed where a purple bracelet is neatly placed beside a ring. He picked up the bracelet staring at it lovingly. His smile is a mix of pain and happy.

You made this for him. It has a heart bead on it craved with your initial letter and his. To other people it may seem not much compare to a diamond ring or a Rolex watch but to him it was special. You made it with your own hands filled with love.

He puts it on before leaving his house to see his driver Mark. Throughout the journey Jungkook can't stop frowning his headache is coming back as he feels his body tense each second. The feeling made him agitated. He'd made a mental note to buy some aspirin.

A wave of pain shoot through his body making him flinch in instinct his hand absently trying to find your warmth only to meet nothing. Y/N's empty presence is just driving him crazy. He wanted you back in his arms all safe. If he could trade his life with yours so you could live he'll do it without any hesitations. 

Tears had managed to escape but he made no move to wipe it off. Your presence and sweet scent kept him calm especially in times like now. He needed it so badly he could ripped off his head from his body.

"Sir we have arrived" Mark announce as Jungkook quickly wipe away his tears 

He composes himself quickly his expression remain emotionless as if he was not just being vulnerable a few seconds ago. He step out of the vehicle a tall luxury building greets him. The brunch were held in of his father's hotel. He specifically did not give this hotel to Jungkook because this is where the Jeon empire started. 

He looked straight ahead to see everyone had stop walking to briefly glance at the man. Jungkook stride in the building his strong aura radiating off him as some people back away to give him a way.

Business men and other rich folks greeted Jungkook with a smile. Jungkook on the other hand just nods his head eyes cold and empty it'll made you shiver how such beautiful warm eyes could held such coldness. 

The ball room were filled with people already drinking and eating away. They were quick to notice his presence as more people approach him. Jungkook had been in these kind of situation all his life he knew how to dodge unnecessary conversation. He just can't stand people talking about how lucky he is and politicians some even got the nerve to suggest an arranged marriage with their daughter.

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