Enemies to Lovers - How do things change?

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Thinking about it.....It all happened so suddenly. A few days ago I was fighting against some pagans and trying to win The Unholy Regalia, next thing I know I have a doppelganger on earth and I've been crowned Queen of Hell. Proud Lady of Pandemonium (don't know about the proud part) & Maiden of Shadows.

All this keeps me wondering late at night. I rarely get any sleep, I mean wouldn't you start thinking about what your clone is doing or how you won an infernal competition for the Throne which you didn't even want but had to do it to get what you thought was the love of your life out of hell where he was being abused? I do. Every single night I stare at the ceiling of my bedchamber having this sort of clarity and thoughts run around my brain.

How do things change so fast? This question always dawns on me in the middle of the night were nothing is standing between me and my thoughts. Speaking of how things change..... Last night I had a change of thought. Caliban popped up in my brain and the few minutes of sleep I got I dreamt about him, well not exactly a dream more of a nightmare.

After last night I'm starting to feel sorry for him. There.......being trapped in stone, as I left him for dead. SNAP OUT OF IT! What am I doing?!?! After all, he did challenge my worth and power and if he had won The Unholy Regalia, he would have been the one to trap me in stone and leave me for dead. I have to stop feeling sorry for him. He isn't worth my time and energy.

You know what? Maybe this is just a phase. Maybe this is what newcomers in hell have to go through for some days or weeks or months or years (I really hope it doesn't surpass weeks). All I want is for it to just go away! I chose Hell over Earth. I am so hoping I didn't choose wrong.

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