Enemies to Lovers - A Chilling Confession

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It's late. I'm supposed to be asleep but I couldn't bring myself to go to bed after what happened with my father this afternoon. Instead, I was practising in the mirror on how I was going to tell Caliban I had feelings for him. I was worried that when i do (If I pluck the damn courage to) he was going to be confused or doesn't feel the same or It was part of an evil plan of his. He's a demon. Only God knows what he's up too like....... quite literally only God knows.

It was 1 am in Hell. I wanted to go for a stroll since it's quiet at this hour. I opened the door slowly as to not wake anyone up. I tiptoed outside the corridor where the bed-chambers can be found. I decided to go to the library where me and Lilith met a few days ago. I opened the door and it was lit so beautifully. The bookshelves were stories long (Pun intended) and the hard-backs of the books shined a pretty gold with the light of the candles. I walked around and there was a little window at the east wing of the library. I walked up to it and saw it led straight to The Forest of Torment. I opened it slowly and a gust of wind entered. I sat on the window sill staring at the trees. I sat there dozing off to The Flower of Evil's beautiful melody.

I started remembering the adventure The Fright Club had when we came to Hell for the 1st time. I looked away and saw a reflection of one of the books. Someone was standing behind me. I whipped out a dagger and put it to their neck (In my time of enclosing I learnt some new things ;)). It was Caliban!

C: I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you, princess. I usually come here at this time of night. I like reading when I know I won't be bothered but tonight it seems it didn't go quite as it usually does..........
S: You could have said something like I don't know......... HI!
C: Yeah........ if I were you I would close the window. I left it open once with The Flower of Evil singing and It woke everyone. Ask Beelzebub
S: Yep, definitely not asking him anything.

We both have a small laugh. I was unbelievably nervous. This was the right moment to tell him. No one around, we were having a moment but I felt like absolute shit. What would Lilith think or would I disappoint my father. I was overthinking way too much and I just said to Caliban.......

"Look Caliban, I have been meaning to tell you something for a while now but I didn't find the right time and way to tell you so don't interrupt me ok?........ here I go. Caliban, for a long time I thought and made myself believe you were the enemy. You tried to steal what was mine by birth and by blood. I trapped you in stone and left you for dead. Then one fine day I saw you walk back into my life with the most alluring smile and eyes that reflect paradise. I couldn't believe you were back and I didn't want to let myself start a new chapter with you. I wanted to get rid of you at any costs but part of me felt horrible about it. I tricked you in the Throne room when I told you were forgiven and accepted your hand in marriage. At the back of my mind, I had a villainous plan to get you out of my life......... but then I saw a different side of you from when we were competing. A friendly one, a beautiful one and I let my emotions get the best of me and I grew soft on you. In short....... I fell hard for you and now I'm having feelings for you and I don't care if you don't feel the same but I needed to get this off my chest."

He looked into my eyes with deep emotion. I couldn't help but start crying. I immediatly starting walkign out of there. I couldn't help myself to control my emotions. When I'm just a few feet away from the door Caliban calls out my name "SABRINA!". I didn't want to face him right now after what I had said. I keep walking and he grabs my hand "Sabrina Stop!". I couldn't even make eye contact with him I felt so embarassed. He wiped my tears and said to me in a soft voice "hey, it's ok.......... I have them too". I was so confused at that moment "What do you mean? h-have what?" I said. He stared in my eyes for a few seconds which felt like a lifetime then he said with his voice breaking "feelings.". We shared a smile and then in a split second we kissed. To say the least......... It was magical!


Thank you so much for reading. Don't worry this is not the end........... We still need to get to the "I love you" part ;)

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