Enemies to Lovers - The Playboy Charm

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I can't sleep from what just happened. I mean......he's back! What sort of reaction am I supposed to have? I decided to go to the kitchen and have some tea to calm myself. I got out of bed and started walking towards the kitchen. I knew there was an afterparty happening but I wasn't interested as you can see.

As the kettle was on the stove, I heard a chant from the afterparty going on. I was curious about what was going on so I went to check. I made sure to stay unnoticed. They were all drunk but 1, in particular, caught my eye. Caliban was there and obviously, he was surrounded by female demons all gazing at him. He said he wanted my hand in marriage but he's still acting like the playboy he is.

He was gloating about how much he knows about Greek mythology. He turned his head and saw me hiding whilst looking at him. I ran quietly back to the kitchen to finish making my tea. "How does he notice everything?!?!" I said to myself when someone responds "I guess I have great eyesight." He said. It was Caliban! He gave me the biggest fright I've had since I had arrived in Hell.

S: What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be gloating about your knowledge about Greek mythology somewhere?
C: Aha! So you were listening to what I was saying, princess. (Pulling out a chair and sitting down.)
S: Yes, I was listening to you rather have a loud voice.
C: (chuckles) You truly are one of a kind.
S: The desire to hit you with a chair right now is astronomical. Now, will you leave me be! (sipping on my tea)
C: Oh come on....... I'm not that annoying!
S: Mhm....... You said you want my hand in marriage but you proceeded to let your playboy side take over. At least if we were to wed I would expect loyalty and faithfulness.
C: If my queen wishes so then consider it done. Does this mean we're getting married?
S: I need time to think it over. It's a lot to take in. In the meantime, I'm going to bed.
C: Goodnight my lady
S: Bonum nocte Caliban (Goodnight in Latin)

I snuggled into bed thinking about the conversation I just had with Caliban. I never saw this soft, friendly side of him. Oh What am I saying?! He's a playboy this is part of his "how to get a girl in bed" charm. How in the world am I going to find a fit consort who I feel comfortable with in the next 5 weeks?

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