Enemies to Lovers - The 1st dance

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I've been trying to avoid everyone. I have so many questions like How was he released from stone? Or does he have some sort of plan for revenge?! All I've done tonight was drink wine trying to get myself drunk. I am a bit tipsy tho. I was thinking about how Earth Sabrina, most probably has it good. She doesn't need to worry about our little nemesis here!

As I was drowning in my self-pity, Lilith comes up right from behind me. She said, "So, should we kill him?" I spit out my drink and told her "WHAT?!.....maybe not for now. How did he even escape from stone and why didn't I know?" She responded by "Lucifer and Beelzebub think you should marry him so they went to the ninth circle, got him out of stone and now they want you two to warm up to each other". Lilith put down my drink and lead me to my father.

"Ahhhhh, Lilith..... It's about time you got her! Now, where have you been Sabrina?" Little did he know I was drinking my sorrow, regret and feelings. I told him "I was just.....greeting our guests" "I sure hope so!" He said. "Now Sabrina, as you may know, Caliban is back and he's been asking to have a dance with you". A dance with Caliban? HELL NO! EVEN IF HE WAS THE LAST MAN IN ALL THE REALMS I WOULDN'T DANCE WITH HIM!?!?

My father told me to stop being outrageous and gave me a little push towards the dance floor. The lights suddenly dimmed and the song 'Young and Beautiful' by Lana Del Rey started playing.

In a matter of seconds, it was only me and Caliban waltzing. We had a little chitchat whilst dancing...

C: Long time, no see princess.
S: It's Queen now actually. I won the regalia, remember?
C: Yes, and you left me for dead.
S: Ha! Like you wouldn't have done the same.
C: I did propose marriage didn't I? We would have ruled Hell together.
S: Marry you? I'd rather be condemned to wander heaven for all eternity.
C: Look, I came back to ask for forgiveness and your hand in marriage.
S: Forgiveness? You want it, I forgive you! There you happy? Now leave hell before I make your life a living heaven.

I tried to let go but he held my hand and pushed me towards him. "As you wish, My Queen" he said. There was a slight gleam in his eyes for a brief second. He let go of me slowly and we went our separate ways. Is he really looking for forgiveness?

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