Enemies to Lovers - Duties of being Queen

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It's funny, isn't it..... Being 1/3 a mortal, 1/3 a witch and 1/3 a Morningstar. Today was the 1st infernal meeting since I have been crowned Queen of Hell. Every demon and whatever the courts of hell consist of will be there. My father said that they usually discuss how to make hell better (and by better I mean horrible).

I'm still tired after all the sleepless nights I've had. In hell, there is no coffee which makes things twice as hard. Or for that matter there is no Aunties or Ambrose. I miss them so much but I chose my place in Hell and the other Sabrina chose her place on Earth. It's for the greater good........I hope!

Following protocol, I have to attend infernal court with my father and Lilith which by the way is pregnant with my half-brother! I still can't get over that! Nevertheless, I had bigger problems for example staying up at night feeling sorry for Caliban. This is the last thing I need.

I sat down at the head of the table waiting for my father to start the session. Obviously, the 1st person to talk was Beelzebub. He declared and I quote "according to infernal decree any woman to sit on the throne of Hell must be married to a high demon". As I was about to open my mouth, my father said " Who do recommend Beelzebub?" I'm SIXTEEN. I shouldn't be thinking of marriage I should be attempting to try my algebra homework.

Beelzebub responded to my father by saying "I would have recommended Caliban but he is no longer with us" and to add to monstrosity created, Lilith decided to burst out laughing in front of everyone. I don't know if I should cry or kill Beelzebub, Lucifer and Lilith.

Lucifer declared that I will have a comrade in the next 6 weeks. The infernal court just ended but I was still in shock. I'm not even over Nick yet! I stormed to my bedchamber, slammed the door and started to cry my eyes out.

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