Chapter 20 - She's awake

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Bruce (Wayne's) pov

"Guys" Kelani screamed.

"I don't feel so good" She whispered and fell backwards. She lifted her hand up to see it covered in blood from her wounds.

"Kelani" I screamed and ran to her and held her in my arms

"What happened?" Harley said

"Bruce get her to med bay right now" Nick shouted at me.

We rushed her up there and ripped her shirt and saw some of her wounds.

"Kelani take your glammer down right now, we need to see where your injured" Scott (Lang) said.

She did and we all we shocked and mad as to who did this to her.

"Oh Kelani" Allison said

"It's ok, I'm alright, I just feel a bit tired" She said.

"No you stay awake" Rhodes said

"Don't you dare fall asleep" Jackson said

"Come on vinccessa stay awake for a little longer" Wanda said

"I'm so tired" She said and closed her eyes.

"Kelani, wake up, wake up" I cried with holding her hands

"We  need to stop the bleeding" Stephen said

"Quick hurry" Tony said

They fixed all her wounds and she just lay there.

"Who did this to her?" Bucky growled

"Whoever hurt our princess is going to pay" Stiles said.

"In blood" Scott (Mccall) said

A week later...............

It has been a week since, Kelani woken up. Since then all of us have been a mess.

"Someone is at the door to see Kelani" Friday said.

"Who is it?" Tony sniffled through his tears.

"Hunter" Friday reponded

"No way" Justin growled

"He's not coming in" Jessica snarled

"He's also going no where near Kelani" Zach hissed

"Come on, I know no of us like him but it's Kelani friend and she would be mad at  us if we didn't let him see her" Esme said with teary eyes

"Fine let him in" Steve huffed.

"Okay" Friday responded.

As soon as the elevator doors opened he came running in with bags and gifts and shouted "Where is she?" "Is she ok?" "What happened??" 

We all glared at him and then he looked over and saw her and he gasped and ran to her and held her hand.

"My poor Kel, please come back to me, I need you" Hunter said

Derek growled so loudly eyes yellow with fury and Bruce (Banner) started to turn green.

We all growled at him and Henry said "She's not yours, she's ours and don't call her that" 

"Why?" Hunter said

"Because she's mated to us and belongs to us" I said

"She will never belong to you" Harley and Diana said

"You look a bit like Tory" Bella said

"Do you know who Tory is?" Edward said and we growled at his name.

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