Chapter 29 - She's gone

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Kelani's pov

"It feels good to be home" I said to my mates and mum and dad

"We missed you here baby" Hunter said and kissed me deeply

"We are so glad you are home" Tory said and kissed my lips deeply

For some reason it felt wrong. It felt like I was kissing the wrong person and that this was wrong. My heart hurt when I kissed them. But  I ignored them because they are my mates right?

"You ok baby?" Hunter said and smiled

"Yes I'm okay, just thinking" I said smiling

"What are you thinking about?" Mum said

"Just feels good to be back and see everyone. Feels a little strange though you know?" I said

"It will do for a while love, its been a while since you have been here" Dad said

"Can you talk me why I was with the Avengers and all those other hot people well hot villains and enemies?" I said 

Tory and Hunter pulled them to me and growled possessively.

"Look I get that we are mates but I am not going to deny that none of them are hot because I would be lying. They are hot and I would bang them if we weren't mates and they weren't our enemies" I said smirking

My mates growled again and I smiled.

"I only love you boys you are my mates" I said

They smiled and pulled me close to them. I can't tell you what but something felt wrong and I didn't like it. I feel like they are lying to me and I just don't like liars. 

"Well let's go to a room and we will explain everything to you and then introduce you to the boss. Our boss." Dad said 

Wanda's pov

"No!!!!" I screamed and fell to the floor as the spell was released

"No!!! Kelani!!! Come back" I cried and cried

Tony and Pietro pulled me into their arms.

"She's gone, she's gone" I cried and cried

They cried with me.

"I know sister, I miss her too, I promise we will find her" Pietro said

"Princess, we will get her back" Tony said

Everyone was crying.

"They will pay" Bucky said

"Where would they take her?" Jackson said

"Lets find her right now" Diana said

"Its no use, we don't know where they are. Even if we find them we have to be prepared because they won't let us take her easily because they need her." Edward said

"Edward is right, we have to be prepared" Justin said

"We will get her back and we will find her" Henry said

We were all free from her mothers spell.

"They wiped her memory and she doesn't remember us, she doesn't know us" Jessica cried

"She doesn't know we are her mates. She thinks Tory and Hunter are her mates" Scott said

"We need to start planning and find out where they could have took her" Steve said

"They probably took her to the Hydra base and are training her" Loki said

"Yes but they have more than one base and as Edward said we have to be prepared because they are loaded with dangerous weapons and we don't know what they could do. So yes we need to be prepared" Bruce (Wayne) said

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