Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter

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Kelani's pov

Everyone sat down. Everyone also growled.

"Right what's the growling before?" I said with my arms or crossed

"He's dangerous" Wanda said

"When you guys heard me scream in the hospital room, Hunter didn't harm me or hurt me. He was hugging me and he scared me because I woke up and he he was just hugging me, he was also leaning on my wound a little bit which hurt but he didn't mean to. Why did you guys beat him up? You didn't need to. He isn't Tory guys" I said

"Listen, Kel there's something off about him. It doesn't feel right. We beat him up because he's dangerous Kel. There is just something off about him. We beat him up because we thought he hurt you and because we found something." Henry said.

"I get you guys won't to look after me after Tory but he isn't Tory. We can't judge him, we don't even know him. I don't even know him that well but he's my friend and he wouldn't hurt me." I said

"How would you know? How would you know Kel? You said it yourself we don't know him." Diana said

"The day we were in English together, when you went to the bathroom, I went to grab your bag and he looked like he was looking through it. I said I would take it to you and he was being rally stubborn and was adamant on doing it himself." Jessica said

"Maybe he was being a good friend" I said

"No Kel you don't understand, you need to stay away from him" Shawn said

"But he's my friend, I can't just stay away from him" I said

"Kel please we don't want to see you hurt again" Edward said

"He told me all about his past and his criminal record and I am fine with it, he said he was being immature back then." I said

"What did he tell you was on his record Kel? Tell the truth" Tony said to me and sat me on his lap, all my mates and four best friends looking at me.

"Well let me start from when I met him at school ok?" I said

"Alright" Natasha said and smiled.

"So as you guys know I woke up and you know what happened and I rushed off to school and I was really early, so I took the longest way round to the entrance and I saw a boy leaning against the wall smoking. So I asked if I could have some of his cigarette and he said yeah. We introduced ourselves and then I said I'll show him round school later" OI started

"You take cigarettes?" Tony said

"No. Never. I just wanted to try it. Never again. I'm sorry" I said

"No need to apologise, I am glad you didn't like it because your never doing it again" Jackson said and I rolled my eyes and laughed and nodded my head.

"After we finished we walked into school together. All my mates who attend school with me then saw me with Hunter and growled in jealousy. I showed him round the school and then I headed to English with him. He sat at the back with me. Then I got a message, something about one of my mates and the consequences if I didn't go. So that's why I left to go to the bathroom. Hunter grabbed m arm when I got up and asked where I was going and I said bathroom then told Clay, Jessica, Alex, Zach and Justin so they knew where I was. Then I told them to bring my bag to lunch with them if I am not back before class finishes." I said

"He grabbed your arm?" Loki and Bucky growled

"He didn't hurt me" I said

I winced in pain as my arm marks stung from the lie.

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