Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)

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Kelani's pov

I woke up in bed with Steve's arms wrapped around me. I turned around to look at him. He opened his beautiful baby blue eyes and looked at me.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" I asked.

"No doll you didn't. Good morning." Steve said and kissed me.

"Good morning Stevie that's one way to wake me up in the morning." I said

"Maybe we should stay in bed longer, I mean I have plenty ideas" Stevie said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Well what did you have in mind?" I asked

"Maybe completing the mate bond with me?" Steve asked and blushed.

I looked at the time and said "I guess a few more minutes wouldn't hurt" and winked at him. 

Mature content 

Stevie's eyes darkened with lust. He slammed his lips on mine and I moaned into the kiss as I gently tugged on his hair pulling him closer to me. He growled lowly when I bit his lip, I then wrapped my legs around his waist. Fuck he sounded so hot when he moaned. I moaned as he grinded against me. He pulled back and slowly peeled my shirt over my head and then he took his off. He took his trousers off and he slowly took my pajamas off. He looked me in the eyes the whole time he stripped me. He unclipped my bra and then he put his mouth just above my clothed heat and tugged the material of my panties down with his teeth. He then pulled of his boxers and Jesus Christ was he huge. Wait isn't he a virgin? I thought.

"Wait Stevie aren't you a virgin?" I asked.

He blushed and went red.

"Did you not complete the mating bond with the others?" I asked.

He shook his head and said "I wanted to wait until we had our last mate so he or she didn't feel left out or as if we didn't care enough and waited. Everyone else bonded I didn't I wanted to wait for you" Stevie said.

"Aww that's so sweet Stevie, thank you I love you. But are you sure you want me to be the one who takes it? I won't be offended if you say no" I said honestly.

"I would love for you to take it and make me yours and also so I can make you mine. I am so happy I get to share this intimate moment with one of the many people I love." Stevie said.

"I'm so grateful and honored you are letting me take it. Now captain make me yours." I said and connected our lips. I kissed him rougher and rougher. I left hot wet red and purple love bites all down his jaw and his chest and neck claiming him as mine. Then I let Stevie carry on and enjoy himself. Then he had a go and left wet purple love bites all the way down from my jaw to my neck to my chest to my stomach and all over my boobs. This time he connected our lips and it was gentle and sweet. I could feel the love and passion in his kiss. Then all of a sudden he attached his mouth to my boob an started sucking, licking and biting. He didn't want to leave my other boob unattended so he pinched my nipple occasionally and massaged my boobs. I moaned at the amount of pleasure I was getting and arched my back.

"Oh God Steve" I moaned.

After a while he switched places with my boobs and put my other boob in his mouth and licked and sucked and bite that one. He massaged and pinched my nipple. My breath hitched because my nipples were sensitive. My eyes rolled to the back of my head because the amount of pleasure I was receiving. Steve took his mouth from my boob and lined himself up with my entrance. 

"Are you ready?" I asked Steve

"Always with you Kelani, I love you" Stevie said.

"I love you too Stevie you and my mates mean the world to me" I said and kissed Stevie on the lips. He smiled at me before pushing himself in me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I gasped and moaned at the feeling of him inside me. He moved slow but gradually got faster.

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