Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?

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Natasha's pov

"Right let's all head downstairs to get ourselves introduced to the kids" I said. 

We went downstairs and our bodies were buzzing like crazy.

"Are you guys ready to find our last soulmate?" Clint said

"Maybe" Flash said

"I'm nervous" Pietro said

"It'll be alright" Nick said.

When we got downstairs everyone looked at us and cheered we smiled. But we were looking for our mate but couldn't see them anywhere.

All of a sudden we saw our mate run out of the kitchen into the arms of another boy and girl. 

She shouted to them "Camila, Shawn help me" 

Then she collapsed on the floor. "What the fuck happened?" The boy said.

It was our mate. We all ran over to her. 

"What happened?" I demanded.

"I don't know she just came running out the kitchen and shouted our names." The boy said.

All of a sudden another group of boys and girls all came running towards her.

"Who are all of you?" Tony demanded

"We are her mates" A group of boys and girls said.

"No we are" Another group of people said

"No both of our groups are" Another group said.

"No me, the avengers and the justice league are mated to her" I said

"She's mated to all of you she has 50 mates" The girl said

"50. Wow um ok." I said

"Anyway Bruce (Banner) Take her to the lab to check her" I said.

"We're all coming" All of her mates said.

"And us too we are all her best friends" The girl said. 

We all ran to the lift and rushed and Bruce layed her on the table. 

Bruce and Tony checked over her for any injuries.

"We don't know what's wrong with her. We can't see any injuries or hints to why she passed out." Bruce said

"She's got an illusion up. I can feel the power radiating power of her." Loki said

"But I can't take it down it's too strong" Loki said

Our princess started moving a bit and waking up. "Baby, baby wake up" Bruce and Tony said."

She sat up and adjusted to the lights. She looked at them and then all of us. 

"Where am I??" She said her  voice severely damaged.

"Your in the lab" Tony told her.

She had another proper look round and started squealing.

"Oh my God oh my God oh my God! It's Bruce Banner and Pietro Maximoff oh my god. I  am so happy I can't believe I am mated to them. Well I love the rest of you as well just as much" She said her voice broken very badly.

"Oh my God I am mated to the avengers, justice league, and all these other guys and gals. Shawn, Camila, Ariana, Chris are you seeing this right now or am I dreaming?" Babygirl happily said.

She accepted all our marks.

We all laughed.

"I didn't know I was into girls but your all really hot." She said.

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