Chapter 12 - And it continues

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Kelani's pov

I woke up getting out of Tony and Bruce's grip carefully and replacing myself with a pillow. I got ready for school did my toilet stuff and hair. Today I wore black ripped jeans with a orange crop top. I grabbed a banana for breakfast. I wrote on a sticky note to say I am going to school early to get extra exam preparation. I stuck the note on the fridge. 

I got the bus to school and walked in the building. I was about to walk into the library but someone pulled me in the closet again. It was the same people.

"Nice to see you again whore" Chad said

"Yeah slut" Britney said

Chad held me while Sydney, Britney and Emilia took turns cutting, punching, kicking and burning me. 

It was like an on going routine or cycle: Wake up, get ready, go to school, get abused, cover up the evidence, hide it from my mates, go to class, repeat. This went on for days, weeks, months. I don't know how long I could keep this up, keep hiding it from my mates and my friends before they noticed. It was now Thursday I got up did all my stuff and walked to school. The same thing happened as always, they did their routine. 

Chad and Britney looked at me and said "Your mates hate you, they are using you for your body, they hate you." 

"They could never love a whore like you"

"Your not even pretty"

"Your are a  fucked up piece of trash that no one wants they are all just taking pity on you"

"They don't love you"

"They want you dead"

"Stop being a slut" 

"Stop being a whore"

"They couldn't love someone of such color"

"Your parents killed themselves because they couldn't stand having such a whore as a disappointment and a daughter"

"No one will ever love you"

"They hate you"

"Your dad paid them to love you"

"They will find someone prettier to love"

"Your ugly"

"Your fat"

"Your stupid" 

"You should kill yourself"

"You'll never be pretty enough"

I took it as Emilia and Sydney repeatedly hit me and abused me physically and verbally. I tried not to cry and show pain.

"Cry whore cry like the whore you are" Chad said

I finished school and went home skipped dinner went to bed.

Friday morning

I woke up got breakfast, got dressed and went to class. It came to lunch time and I knew it was time to get beat again so I let them because I deserved it all the beatings because I am a whore, my mates don't love me, they hate me, I will never be good enough for them never, they probably feel bad for me and are trying to love me. My parents don't love me. No one loves me, I'll never be good enough for any of my mates. I am ugly, I am fat and stupid. I will never be pretty or skinny or smart or beautiful enough. I am a bad best friend and a bad mate. No one will ever love me. I just took beating after beating after beating. I went home and same routine as always but I skipped dinner and went to bed.

Camila's pov

Kelani's mates, Shawn, Chris, Ariana and I watched as Kelani went to skipped to dinner and went to bed like usual. She didn't even say good night to us.

"Guys I think something is wrong with Kelani" I said

"It's been like this for weeks" Shawn said

"She doesn't talk to us anymore" Ariana said

"We barely see her at lunch or around school anymore" Chris said

"What do you mean?" Clay asked

"We don't see her around school any more do we?" Henry asked

"But she doesn't talk to us anymore" Tony said

"What do you think is wrong with her?" Bruce said

"I don't know, it could be anything" Alice said

"Alice and I can't get into her head to see what's wrong" Edward said

"Wanda and I can't either she's got her block up" Loki said

"We'll have to ask her about it tomorrow" Scott and Jackson said

"I want to know our mate is alright" Jacob said

"We all do" Rosalie said

Kelani's pov

I went to bed crying. I cried myself to bed. I didn't want to ell my friends or mates in case they get angry.

I don't want them to hate me. I wished they loved me. I wished I was good enough. I wish I could be perfect. I will never be enough. Never and I don't want to disappoint any of them because I love them all but I'm just an unlovable whore who should kill herself.

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