Chapter 13 - Confrontations

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Jacob's pov

I was snuggled up with Rosalie and Bella on one of the sofas in the living room with the rest of Kel's mates and best friends.  We were all waiting for her to come home. Peter and everyone else was home. She told us she needed to stay late because of English tutoring. 

"We are going to find out why she has been so distant" Rhodes said

"She probably won't tell you" Shawn said

"She can be a very closed off person sometimes" Ariana said

"All the time" Chris said

"No not all the time only sometimes and she's not closed off she's secretive. She has all guards up since Tory to protect herself from being hurt." Camila said

"Yes but no is going to hurt her now we are here to protect her" Joker said

"We are her mates she needs to open up to us" Stiles said

"We have to give her time maybe" Jessica said

"Yes but how much time?" Charlotte said.

"As much as she needs" Loki said

"She's our mate she needs to open up to us" Steve said

"But we can't force her too" Allison and Diana said

"But if we want her to trust us we can't force things out of her" Justin and Zach said

"But we want to know if she's safe and alright, we don't want our mate in danger don't we?" Tony and Bruce said.

Someone's phone is ringing.

"Who's phone is that?" I asked

"Mine" Tony said

"It's Kelani's school" Tony said

"Put it on speaker" Esme and Emmet said

"Hello is this Mr. Stark" The teacher said

"Yes this is he" Tony said

"We seem to have had an issue with Kelani at school" The teacher said

"What is it? Is she alright?" Tony asked concerned. We all listened worriedly.

"We have had to exclude Kelani for two weeks as she was involved in starting a fight at school." She said

"Are you sure? Are you sure she was involved and started it?" Tony asked

"Yes positive there was a video that was recorded of the scene, I'll send it to you now" She said

"Thank you. Do you know where Kelani is now?" Tony said

"We sent her home so I believe she should be back soon Mr. Stark" She said

"Ok thank you for notifying me. Have a nice day." Tony said

"Your welcome goodbye" She said and hung up the call.

"What the hell is going on? She has never started fights." Camila said

"As soon as she gets in we are all going to have a talk to her about what's been going on" Tony said

"This is not right starting fights especially at school and now she's excluded for two weeks" Alex and Clay said.

"Put the video on" Henry and Jasper said

Peter (Quill) Put the video on and we all watched it. 

We played it but there was no audio. We saw these girls and this one boy walk up to Kelani and say something but we couldn't hear it. She ignored them and carried on with her work. Then they said something else and almost immediately she got up. She kicked the boy in the groin and he fell to the ground in pain. Then she got her books and hit two of the girls round the head and pull their hair and smash their heads against the desk. There was one girl left. Kelani tied up her hair and attacked the girl. 

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