Chapter 18 - Last day

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Loki's pov

Oh how I have been blessed. Our queen is so beautiful. We are so lucky to have her. She deserves the best life can give her. She's so strong she's been so much. I well I mean we, we are all so proud of her. I stared at her sleeping she's so beautiful. I watched as Thor woke up. (Thor and Loki are mates but are not brothers). 

"Morning my king" I said to Thor.

"Morning my prince" Thor replied as we kissed each other passionately. 

"Let's go get the others to show them how gorgeous princess is" I said

Thor nodded. We both quickly got dressed. We got in the elevator and arrived downstairs. 

"Good morning everyone" I said while holding Thor's hands.

"Morning Loki, morning Thor" Natasha said and kissed us both.

"All of you come upstairs and come and look at Kelani and how beautiful she looks" Thor said

They all smiled and and joined us in the elevator.

We arrived at Thor and I's room and saw Kelani still sleeping. We all quietly walked in.

"She's so beautiful" Steve said

"She looks like an angel" Diana said 

"She looks like a Goddess" Tyler said

"Let's some take some pictures" Wanda whispered.

We all took photos of her beautiful sleeping form and just stared at her.

"Stop taking pictures and staring at me you creeps, I can hear all of you and I know you all are standing by my dresser, I can sense you" Kelani said with a raspy voice.

All our eyes turned black with lust and we were all turned on because of her raspy voice. Also because the blankets were thrown off and we saw her wearing her short short booty shorts.

"All of you stop staring at me like you want to devour me, your horny bastards" She said

We shook it off and laughed.

"All of you go away. I love you but go away" Kelani mumbled.

The bed was a big enough for all of us. We all looked at each other and smirked jumping on the bed or attacking Kelani. We tickled her and she giggled. Her laugh was like sweet honey. Her laugh was sweet and innocent and contagious. She begged us to stop and we eventually stopped.

Kelani's pov

I was sleeping and then I heard all my mates come in. I shrugged it off and tried to go back to sleep. I felt them taking pictures and staring at me.

"She's so beautiful" Steve said

"She looks like an angel" Diana said

"She looks like a Goddess" Tyler said

"Let's some take some pictures" Wanda whispered.

They all took photos of her beautiful sleeping form and just stared at me.

"Stop taking pictures and staring at me you creeps, I can hear all of you and I know you all are standing by my dresser, I can sense you" I said with a raspy voice.

I could feel their lust through my soulmarks and smell most of their arousal and felt them staring at me most likely with black eyes.

"All of you stop staring at me like you want to devour me, your horny bastards" I said

They shook it off and laughed.

"All of you go away. I love you but go away" I mumbled.

I didn't know what they were planning next. That was until I felt them jump on the bed and attack me and tickle me. I was giggling and laughing. I begged them to stop and they eventually stopped. 

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