The cave

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(This takes place in the goblin slayer universe)

Jack awoke in the cave sweating. Looked around his eyes adjusting to the darkness. 

He was in some sort of tunnel off to the side of the main tunnel. Questions swirled in his mind. 'Where am I?' 'What is this place?' 'How did I get here?'

Jack tried to remember how he got there and tried calling on his memories.

'Why-Why can't I remember?' 

Seeking answers he got up from his sitting position, dusted himself off and noticed his clothes they were different, somehow.

He walked towards the main tunnel and saw little green creatures, they reacted negatively to his presence and pointed there weapons.

Jack couldn't blame them If some strange creature showed up in his home he would be suprised.

Then he saw it. in the corner there were two girls. Laying on the rock naked, the creatures playing with them.

This enraged Jack, he felt a cold presence take over his body, darkness slitheing up his limbs. He welcomed the familiar feeling, being fully transformed was a sight to behold.

No longer Jack, he was Shadow, The demon of darkness.

 Witnessing Shadow was a sight to behold; His head was covered in black flames where hair should be. He was built in quick moving armour. His fingers were talons where fingernails should be. 

Shadow's body was made of pitch black substance nearly invisible in the caves.

His eyes were the most unsettling thing, Blood red, and the only source of light in the caverns. They seemed to see directly into your soul

When the goblins recovered from the shock they attacked. One throwing its spear, Shadow caught it and swung back. decapitating the goblin and sending his head flying. shadow through the spear colliding with the goblin on the girl lodging its head into the wall.

Summoning his sword. Shadow deflected an incoming arrow. Shaddow stabbed a goblin and used its corpse to block an incoming arrow.

Kicking the corpse forward with the sword still in it stabbing the goblin archer.

Shadow then felt a blow collide with the back of his head sending him to the wall.

"Well, your a big one aren't you?" Shadow said standing up to the hobgoblin in front of him.

The hob took another swing, noticing the thing did not have its sword, only to feel immeasurable pain as its arm was sliced clean off.

The hob screamed in pain looking in anger, only for it to turn to terror when it saw Shadow

"Nice try." Shadow said, Smiling. Shadows Smile was very unsettling. Shadow's teeth were big and sharp going from one end to another so big it looked like they shouldn't have fit. The hob looked and saw Shadow had grew more eyes smaller on the side of his head.

The hob tried to run. but felt a blade pierce its heart, and fell.

Shadow stopped smiling, his extra eyes closed. Still angry he walked towards the two goblin corpses and absorbed the swordpiercing the two bodies making them fall.

Shadow then walked towards the girls fearing the worse. when he got towards the girls he checked both pulses and frowned.

The Demon grimaced and summoned a shovel and dug two graves. One for each girl.

Still sad he wasn't able to save the two girls he walked towards the hob corpse. he pulled the sword out of the corpse. The sword shrunk and liquified merging with the rest of his body.

Shadow looked back feeling sad and walked through the tunnel. finally seeing a light.

The goblins Shadow (volume 1 of The Demon's Journey)Where stories live. Discover now