The hole

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At nightfall, the party moved toward the goblin cave. Goblin slayer lead and the rest of the party fell in line. There were two guards at the start of the hole.
An arrow pierced the head of one goblin killing it instantly, the second goblin felt a blade drive through its skull.

Shadow walked forward pulled the sword out out the corpse and entered the hole goblin slayer followed, then priestess, then High elf followed by dwarf shaman and lizard priest.
As they walked down the tunnel, a goblin tried to pounce on Priestess, Goblin slayer hit the goblin with their torch and finished it with his sword.

The shaman sat on his throne of bones next to him were two hobs, he felt good. The shaman watched his goblins play with their rewards from the village raid, their screams were soothing. Suddenly a chill ran down his spine something powerful was nearby and closing fast. He ordered 5 goblins to go to the head of the hole, then he reassured himself, it was probably nothing.

"Alright everyone remembers the plan?" Asked Goblin slayer. They nodded, then went to their places. Shadow's part was the distraction, he would walk up to the army take out as many goblins as he could while Goblin slayer, Dwarf shaman, and Lizard priest snuck around to take out the shaman.

High elf was assigned to protect Priestess and assist Shadow.
Shadow got up from his crouching position and walked forward into the main room

"Send your finest warrior to face me!" Said Shadow to the horde of goblins, all having their weapons pointed at him.
"Well, that's one way to distract them." Said High elf readying her bow.
One brave goblin decided to rush Shadow he lunged, dagger in hand.
Shadow anticipated the attack and put his hand on his sword hilt, in one swift motion he decapitated the goblin.

The goblins were not happy.

They all started rushing not as one, but slowly in small groups. That was their mistake thought Shadow who got into a ready position.

The first goblin reached him, Shadow sliced across its face killing it, he grabbed the dagger and slit the throat of the next goblin, kicking the corpse into the next three tripping them.

Shadow kicked and swung, killing every goblin his sword touched, three goblins nocked arrows aiming them at Shadow. Each goblin found an arrow in their head killing them.

Shadow was really enjoying the fight, it gave him good exercise, then the horde descended as one onto him, Shadow saw this and planned.

He extended his hand and tendrils snaked off his fingers and into the ground before the goblins.
Shadow lifted his hand and the ground came with it severely slowing the horde. More goblins came, Shadow sliced one across the chest. And quickly turned and stabbed another goblin. Shadow picked up the other blade and killed another goblin, then threw the sword killing another goblin.

Dwarf Shaman and Lizard priest flanked and attacked finishing off the goblins. 

The goblin shaman was in a panic, that shadow creature had severely wounded his army, and with the two other adventurers attacking, defeat was imminent. He grimaced he should escape, regroup and make a bigger army, but he would have revenge first. He focused his staff on the Adventurers and launched a fireball. 

The shaman gasped and fell forward with a sort in its back. Over the body stood goblin slayer triumphant. The fireball launched towards the party but was quickly deflected by a shield. Shadow stood there panting holding a newly formed shield.

"My thanks Shadow," said Lizard priest. "No problem," he said turning his back.  Suddenly a little figure jumped out from behind the bench The goblin swung his sword at shadow colliding and slicing his arm clean off.

Surprised and angered by the goblin who had just cut his arm off. Shadow kicked over the goblin and grabbed hold of its neck. While having his foot pressing down on his body he pulled on the neck of the goblin. He heard bones breaking and skin tearing, The goblin screamed in pain as Shadow pulled, the spinal cord giving way. With one big yank, The goblins head came out, still attached to the spinal cord.

Shadow threw the head in disgust and turned to the party. "Shadow! are you ok?" asked the priestess concerned about his arm. Shadow raised his hand stopping the party from rushing towards him. "I'm fine look," Shadow said looking towards the place where his arm used to be.

Tendrils snaked out of the stump and began taking the shape of an arm. Finished making a structure black liquid rushed forward fully regenerating his arm. The party was stunned at Shadow's healing capabilities. "But what about your other arm?" asked the Dwarf pointing towards the severed limb. 

"Look," said Shadow moving out of the way. The process with tendrils repeated itself but backward, tendrils came out of the severed limb making the shape of the rest of the body. Once the process was complete another Shadow stood up next to the original one.

"So are there two of you now?" asked the Lizard priest. "No," replied Shadow. He put a hand on his copy's shoulder. The copy of Shadow deflated retracting into shadows arm and re-joining the original. 

"What did you just do?" asked the Priestess fascinated by what just happened. "When I lose a limb I regenerate the lost one as you can see," Shadow said pointed to his fully regenerated limb.

"Then the limb makes a copy of myself that I can control, Eventually I can just absorb the copy back into me," Shadow explained. "Now, we should probably help the prisoners," Shadow said pointing towards another tunnel.

The party hurried off to help.

The goblins Shadow (volume 1 of The Demon's Journey)Where stories live. Discover now