The meeting

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Goblin slayer looked towards the Goblin nest and walked down the hill towards the rest of the party.

"There are no guards, outside the nest. They ran inside."

"Well that makes our job more difficult," said, High elf archer. "Don't get your ears bent elf I'm sure you'll get your goblin kills." said the dwarf shamen

The High Elf shot the dwarf a glare. "What do you think we should do M'lord?" asked the Lizard Priest.

"The goblins are most likely to run out again, when that happens take them out with arrows," replied Goblin slayer. The high elf nodded and took her position in a tree waiting.

Shadow walked through the tunnel not yet de-transforming after facing two other goblins that ran into the tunnel.

He finally saw light sighing in relief he started to jog towards the entrance, maybe he can find some answers.

He reached the Entrance and felt an arrow pierce right between his eyes. "Fuck!" Shadow shouted "That hurt!" he said grabbing the side of the cave as balance. he yanked the arrow out and looked to see where the arrow came from.

'There that tree' He dodged the next arrow and ran towards the tree intent on revenge. 

"Orcbolg?" "Yes?" "We have a problem." "What is it replied goblin slayer.

"You told me to shoot at whatever came out of the hole well I did." "So?" "It's coming this way now." High Elf said knocking another arrow. "Prepare yourself." said goblin slayer getting into a fighting stance.

'High Elf has never had a survivor before.' thought Priestess not knowing what to think of the new threat getting into a stance and waiting for the enemy to near.

Shadow knew something was off he didn't care they had obviously shown that whoever shot them was hostile. and if it was a mistake he'll work it out

When he got closer he saw his attackers. A man in armor. A woman with a bow, she probably was the one who shot me. A lizardman, a short man, And a young woman wearing religious clothes.

Goblin slayer saw the thing approaching it had slowed down but it clearly wasn't a goblin. He didn't know what to make of it. High elf fired another arrow trying to stop the creature. But the arrow never seemed to collide.

Shadow saw the arrow and turned part of his head into gas allowing the arrow to pass through not slowing his speed, he attacked.

Goblin slayer was ready for the creature, it had grown bigger than it looked. Pitch black with a grin and several eyes. He stabbed in the neck trying to hit, but the blade never made contact. Shadow did.

Goblin slayer flew back in response to Shadows collision Shadow had grown his arm to improve his strength and to close the distance. 

Lizard priest looked in shock he never knew Goblin Slayer to be taken out so quickly. He turned and launched at the beast brandishing his sword aiming to hit. The creature deflected his blade with its own and snarled, bashing its fist into the lizard priest's face. 

Stunned by the Creatures strength Dwarf shaman started a chant to immobilize the creature.

Shadow must admit, The lizard man put up a good fight for its size. Going straight for the attack with the sword was a good play. Parrying with his own blade, the Lizardman jumped back surprisingly.

Shadow then heard the small man shout "Stone Blast!" confused for a moment, Shadow looked up and quickly morphed out of the way.

(When shadow morphs he changes his body's state of matter this time it was gas.) 

Dwarf Shaman was staring "Did I get it?" "I don't see him anymore shorty." replied High elf. Priestess was at goblin slayers side he wasn't terribly injured but needed help. 

Priestess shuddered, 'how could something best two of our best fighters?' She suddenly felt a chill. Priestess whirled around behind her and saw air condesing to form the creature. Not knowing what to do she shouted "Holy light!"

Shadow had felt pain before while fighting, but this was different. Shadow had formed behind them to learn more about this group, but when the girl made that searing light. the pain was indescribable. Shadow screamed in pain as he was thrown at a rock and passed out.

The goblins Shadow (volume 1 of The Demon's Journey)Where stories live. Discover now