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Goblin slayer stood at a table taking a sip of his drink when the door opened, it was a mail carrier.

"Letter for - Goblin slayer!" said the mailman. Goblin slayer took the letter and read it his eyes widened, He quickly folded up his letter and went to get his party.


An hour later the entire party, including Shadow, were on the road walking towards the capital. "So tell me again why we're being summoned to the capital?" asked Shadow. "The sword maiden wants to meet you." replied Goblin Slayer "Great." Lizard priest looks at shadow confused.

"What's the matter?" Lizard priest asked Shadow. "I doubt religious figures will like my existence. Remember how that priest reacted?" replied Shadow.

"So I doubt that this sword maiden wants anything good with me." Shadow looked down at his feet. The party was quiet for a moment, then Shadow had an Idea. "I may have a way we can get there faster."

"I discovered another thing I can shift into that I would like to try." The party stopped and looked at Shadow.

Shadow began to liquefy, His shape grew immensely in size His legs grew to incredible size, a Large tail formed behind him, His arms grew slightly bigger, and spikes formed on his back.

Shadow began to liquefy, His shape grew immensely in size His legs grew to incredible size, a Large tail formed behind him, His arms grew slightly bigger, and spikes formed on his back

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(Not my art, but I thought It describes it very well.)

Shadow in dino form moved closer to the party, he turned and placed his tail on the ground. The party climbed up onto his back and took a seat. Shadow took off towards the capital which was in view.

As the capital neared, Shadow continued on in dino form. But was stopped when an arrow embedded itself in his arm. Shadow quickly turned to where the arrow came from. The party hopped off and readied for battle.

Shadow saw 4 horses near the group, Each horse had a female knight, each had some sort of symbol on their chest. As they got closer Shadow could see the symbol clearly and froze. He knew that symbol, a memory resurfaced.

An army caring the same symbol, he was in some sort of building, he was angry, killing all of them effortlessly someone tried to sneak up behind him to attack

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An army caring the same symbol, he was in some sort of building, he was angry, killing all of them effortlessly someone tried to sneak up behind him to attack. A head crawled out Shadow's back, it looked serpentine, The head opened its mouth and black flames spewed from it igniting the man.

Shadow ran through a door, literally through the door, and he saw a woman on the ground and a man with the same symbol holding a bloody dagger. Rage circled Shadow as he charged.

Shadow steadied himself, he remembered that symbol, and he hated it. Shadow roared and charged towards the knights. The horses, spooked, neighed, and tried to run, Shadow caught one of them with his head and head-butted it to the ground.

The female knight rolled off her horse and readied her weapon, Shadow roared and charged, Shdowmoved incredibly fast for his size, He plowed his head into the ground the female knight wasn't fast enough and got plowed too.

Shadow turned his head and saw a female knight leap off her horse towards Shadow's tail. She readied her weapon to stab it when it moved, It swayed to the right then fast to the left, colliding with her and sending her flying.

Shadow quickly turned to the final two knights who stood together their swords raised. One of the knights summoned an ice miracle at Shadow, Shadow felt something boil inside him, he opened his mouth and black flames spewed out effectively canceling the ice miracle.

Shadow then stood at a standoff between the knights and himself, When the female knight that was buried yelled "Stop! we came to talk!" Shadow turned his head towards her and walked forward wondering what now?

Shadow liquified from dino-form and shrunk back to his normal form. Shadow stood before the female knight, "Why did you attack us."Jack said very seriously. These women were wearing the same symbol as that man and he wanted to know why.

"We were sent as escorts to the capital. I apologize for my partner's actions, but we do need to move towards the capital." She finished removing her helmet to reveal white short hair.

Shadow did not trust the knights at all, He pointed at her chest, "Where did you get that symbol." The knight looked down, "That is the symbol of our lord and savior, Angel. He descended from the heavens to guide us and help those who were troubled."


As they got back on the road Shadow felt another memory resurface. His mind blanked and he fell to his knees.

Jack sat in a chair he was reading a book about world history. When he saw a squirrel outside on the tree. He smiled and closed his book, he stood up from his chair and went to open the window.

The squirrel bounded inside the house. as it landed on the floor the squirrel grew in size its fur retracted, as its body became more humanlike, the clothes appeared, a jacket with a simple t-shirt on underneath, She was wearing jeans with shoes.

"How was your date sis?" said Jack closing the window. "It wasn't a date Jack, we were just studying together." Said Kira going to get a glass of water. "Sure," replied Jack. "By the way, did you ever get your powers under control?" replied Kira, smiling while drinking. "I did actually." He motioned with his hand and it lit on fire, with black flames.

"I found out what it's called, its called soul fire, it burns anything on touch and can only be extinguished by holy water," Jack said. "Well, you better work on it," Kira said putting her glass in the sink. "I'm going to bed."


Shadow blinked at this memory, he looked at his hands and summoned the soul fire. High elf noticed his distraught look. "Are you alright Shadow?" she asked. "I have a sister," said Shadow. This stopped the rest of the conservations. "Is she here?" asked Priestess.

"No." Shadow said looking to the sky, "I'm not from this planet."

The goblins Shadow (volume 1 of The Demon's Journey)Where stories live. Discover now