Chapter 3 - One After Another

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Entry 3. December 30XX.

These entries get harder to write by the day, especially with only the light of fire and using dirt and sweat mixed together for ink... anyways. Enough about now.

Things continued, me staying in the room for about a week or so. I couldn't get up much until about 3 days in and they started having me do small exercises for physical therapy, and to make sure that everything neurologically hadn't been damaged.

I got up that morning, the light streaming in through the curtain waking me up. I winced at the bright light before wiping the sleep from my eyes, putting on my slippers and then heading down to the cafeteria. I scanned my bracelet along the payment window before going down the Patient line, getting something small since I wasn't too hungry. I decided on a ham and cheese with Mayo, some apple slices and a big apple juice mixed with sweet tea.

While I sat there nibbling on my apple slices, I could overhear Meagan talking with the council of doctors. I carefully tuned in.

"We have to unplug them, Meg. They're not waking up. It's been too long." The doctor said.

Meagan shook her head. "I can't do that. I'm on strict order from them. Those kids have to stay hooked up til they wake up. Or else we all lose our jobs." She simply said with a heavy sigh.

The doctor shook his head before walking off. Meagan sighed before walking off as well. I simply frowned. What exactly did she mean she was on strict orders? I didn't think much of it then. I was too young to understand. Or care, for that matter.

I sighed, grabbing my tray of food and heading back to my room. Everything was quiet, going as it usually did. Nothing seemed wrong. Until the alarms started to go off and I heard screaming down the hall. I watched as all the nurses and Meagan ran towards the room, one of them screaming, "Call doctor Yates! Immediately!" as they rushed past the reception desk.

I got to my room and set my food down. I was going to go investigate as some doctors and a man in a black doctors outfit hurried down the hall when a nurse grabbed me by your shoulders. "You need to stay here, it's dangerous to be out in the hall!" She shouted to me over the alarms, pushing me in before closing and locking the door.

I didn't even get a chance to protest, catching myself against the couch in the room after she pushed me in. My breath was heavy as I carefully stood up. Did I dare go back out there? Or should I just wait? Why was there alarms? What's going on? I had so many questions but so little time.

I sat there for a second as the alarms finally shut off. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I watched the door, fearful of what may lie behind it as the power flickered a good bit. There was a soft knock on the door. I jumped, grabbing the nearest object to me which happened to be a pillow from the couch.

Megan then walked in, sighing. "It's just me, calm down. You okay?" She asked me, holding her hands up in a surrender.

I sighed, setting the pillow down. "Yea, just spooked." I answered simply. She chuckled at me, going over and patting my head, rubbing my back for comfort.

"For future reference, a pillow won't do much for you if you ever need to defend yourself." She joked. I smiled, she had become like a big sister to me the whole time I was in the hospital. It was nice. Not being the one taking care of others, for once.

"I know. It was just nearby." I sighed, sitting down on the couch. "What was that anyway?"

She sighed. "One of the other kids woke up, but... he didn't take it as well as you did. Hurt a few nurses in the process. But it's okay now. He's stable." She explained to me.

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